Started Orientation today at the Mira Loma facility. Got to the motel last night. They put me in a room with this guy that could wake the dead with his snoring. I asked for another room and after much arguing they gave me another. Only to find out they moved me today when I got back. So 2 hours of sleep last night no sleep tonight. They shuttle you over to the facility in a van at 445 and then have you wait outside until 630. They spend the whole day yelling at you and telling you if you dont like it to leave. I had my drive test which went good. They put over 50 of us in a small room shoulder to shoulder. All sweaty and hot. They showed us a video that said they have some of the best pay and benefits in the industry, LOL. So far CRE is living up to there reputation.
CRE From day 1
Discussion in 'CR England' started by CANGST, Dec 1, 2008.
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Today was another wonderful day. A day of listening to policies while the instructors add in every once in a while about how great the lease program is. The instructor actually said this "so you wanna go out as a company driver first, that makes no sense. You go out and fail as a company driver then switch over." He said well you can either make 30k a year or you can make 250k a year. I can already here people starting to talk about how great it sounds. Another wonderful day in England paradise.
Most of today was learning about the lease program. Mind you most of these people in this orientation have no experience. Found out from a guy last night that he went out with a trainer and the trainer had two trainees on the truck. OTR with a trainer and 2 trainees. I hope I dont get put in that. A freightliner is too small for three people like that. CRE has met my expectations for another day.
Can you tell me why you would sign on to drive for a company that you have obviously decided to dislike? I would think the right thing to do would be to give them a fair shot since they are giving the same respect to you.
But that is just me.Splenda and Rattlebunny Thank this. -
So after waiting 33 days on the list to get a truck. I got a 2008 Century. Got a student and a load going to Indianapolis. At around Evanston, WY. i noticed secondary air gauge messing up. Got it into TA down the road. Leveler valve is messed up and secondary air gauge itself is leaking. Go to Rock Springs, WY Freightliner. After waiting all day, guy tells me they have no gauges in stock and can not see anything wrong with leveler gauge. Day 3. Hear a awfull noise. Goto Lincoln, NE Freightliner. They say leveler valve is bad and replace. They do not have air gauge either. Day 4 pull into Burns Harbor. They do not have gauge either. Leak is a worse. Now bunk heater not working. Call truck city they are going to order gauge and fix it tmrw night. So for this week I have gotten 1300 miles and sat and sat. Not a great week. Not happy about being in the shop every day.
How much experience did you have before you started there? Are you lease or company driver?
Almost 2 years. I am a lease driver.
Because they are the only ones that would hire me right now. I went into it with the best of expectations but at every turn they have proven to be what was advertised on here. If you are so gung-ho England. Why not post your experience on here. I run into guys that are doing great here. I am not going to post other peoples experiences. I am not posting opinions. Just the facts as they apply to me.allnite Thanks this. -
Do you have some background issues? What were they willing to accept? There are some others here who are looking for a company as well. Thanks.
Oh also you said you were a leaser. Did you have a choice or did they wear you down or what? You seemed like you thought you knew better when you started, just wondering what changed your mind. -
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