Cummins common rail 2250 to SDP cat? Worth it? Mods to SDP?

Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by HammerTransport, Jan 25, 2025.

  1. HammerTransport

    HammerTransport Bobtail Member

    Feb 28, 2020
    I bought a 389 Pete probably 4 years ago now. This truck has a “simplified modification package” and also was overhauled when I bought it. Ran great. The previous owner had all the work done, this engine is as bare as it possibly could be and was swapped to a non VGT. Spare the hate because I didn’t do that swap. Anyway, the engine now has 350k on the overhaul. And it appears it may need a head. Of course if I swap the head, I thought about changing back to a VGT turbo. But that isn’t what is in question here, the question is what can a guy do to a SDP cat c15 to make it as simple and reliable as possible? I have a friend that bought a truck with a “simplified” system as well. Still has the EGR cooler on it. This engine has maybe 250k original miles on it. Verified by the truck since the truck had 250k when it was pulled. Probably the lowest original mile 2011 cat engine a guy could have. He pulled it and swapped that truck to a freshly built 6nz. The only issue we know of on the SDP is the cooler was pushing coolant. Head gasket was done, the water pump was done, among a few other repairs. Cat dealer told him the cooler was the most likely cause. I’m debating on building that SDP and swapping my 2013 Pete to a cat engine since the option is available. However, I want to make the SDP cat as simple as possible. What all would need done to swap into the truck from a Cummins? The engine does have the ecm with it. However I want to remove as much added bolt on crap as possible. It was already “simplified” in the ecm and the afterburner was taken care of as well. Could a guy just remove the cooler and swap the twin turbos to a full tilt manifold and single turbo and be set to go? I read somewhere the SDP cat engine has almost the same compression ratio as a 6nz. Any changes need done to the head? Just looking for information for research purposes. Thanks!
    Oxbow Thanks this.
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  3. Diesel Dave

    Diesel Dave Last Few of the OUTLAWS

    Jan 20, 2010
    Hesperia, Ca.
  4. little cat 500

    little cat 500 Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2010
    Abbottstown PA
    Bad to worse compression ratio is higher than a 6nz by a few points SDP was a boat anchor
  5. Oldman83

    Oldman83 Light Load Member

    Sep 5, 2024
    Marrowbone Ky
    I don’t see the juice being worth the squeeze in this case.
    The SDP was the only on road Cat engine to have egr and dpf, so you aren’t gaining anything from a legality standpoint.
    It is the most oddball of any of their engines as the cam, injectors, ECM, turbos, and exhaust manifold are all different than the previous ACERT.
    I would either keep what you have, or if you’re dead set on swapping in a Cat, use and 07 or older.
    I personally love an ACERT with 16/1 compression, no precooler, no IVA’s, the original compound turbos, and a good tune.
    IMO, going to a single turbo is a waste of money, and definitely a loss of performance. 99% of the improvement guys see when they go to a single turbo on an ACERT is the tuning change that is necessary at that time, NOT the loss of one turbo.
    D.Tibbitt and Oxbow Thank this.
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