Cummins N14 Scanner ?

Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by Kruse Family Farms, Jan 20, 2025.

  1. Kruse Family Farms

    Kruse Family Farms Light Load Member

    Dec 6, 2022
    Howdy fellas. This might be a tough question to answer since the N14 platform isn't that popular now days. However I am looking for a scanner to check for injector codes or maybe do a cylinder test? I could have sworn back a few years ago my tech said I should get an OTC 4000? It supposedly could work with the N14? I had it saved but can't find it now, so I could be wrong. Also I'm not looking to spend $2,000 bucks on insite. I know that exists but I couldn't ever justify the cost. I can go to the local shop and have them look at it for $75-80 bucks. I just want to be able to do everything on my own. If you know of anything that works please let me know. I don't care if the system is old or outdated or even if it only works for N14s. I'm just one man with one truck so I don't care. Appreciate it.
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