Current Health Of LTL Industry

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by Lotsa Bellyfat, Aug 11, 2024.

  1. Lotsa Bellyfat

    Lotsa Bellyfat Light Load Member

    Sep 21, 2023
    I’m writing this to ask all you LTL drivers for your take on the health of the LTL industry.
    I’m driving for SAIA, but Ive only been employed here for about two months. It does seem to be slowing a bit; nothing too noticeable though. I do realize that the industry can be seasonal. I’m up in the Northeast.

    After having gone through the recession of ‘08, I’m always a bit ‘gun shy’ when I perceive any hiccups in the current state of freight. During that time, I was living in Las Vegas and everything, and I do mean everything, either slowed down dramatically or just totally stopped. There was literally no work for many of us at that time with nowhere to go.

    Anyway, I was wondering if some of you drivers from across different parts of the country could give your perspective on what you’re experiencing based on your daily schedules. Is freight increasing? Decreasing? No changes? How are these changes affecting the companies that you work for? If you’re being offered ‘perks’ like bonuses and pay raises, then I guess they really need (and want to keep) their drivers. Or, if you’re hours are being reduced, then I guess that pretty much speaks for itself as well.
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  3. Hawkeye72

    Hawkeye72 Light Load Member

    Feb 20, 2015
    Fedex freight road driver out of Des Moines, things picked up around April and have been holding pretty steady. I usually get canceled once a week, which is fine by me. Got 2 planning on retiring before winter which should help get threw January and February. If not we have the option to work the dock.

    Haven't heard on raises this year. Got our bonus last month.

    Here we usually stay steady till around Thanksgiving then it will slow down a bit. Then again in January, run wherever the weather is going to be bad. Places senior drivers dont want to go. Get good runs after a shutdown due to weather.
    Lotsa Bellyfat Thanks this.
  4. blairandgretchen

    blairandgretchen Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2011
    South west Missouri
    Buddy ex ODFL in Memphis - his wife is still there. Has a 500 mile round meet and turn. She gets cancelled 1 or 2 runs a month.

    The big players like to keep capacity and drivers on hand to implement as needed, seniority and your needs dictate whether you keep running full schedule, or scale back.
    Lotsa Bellyfat and High Stepper Thank this.
  5. hotrod1653

    hotrod1653 Road Train Member

    Aug 29, 2009
    Somewhere in America
    Cross Country Freight out of Fargo, ND. We’re having a bit of a slow down, but not to much. I usually get every other Monday off.

    My Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday runs are my busiest. Those are the days when I go to nursing homes, farms and outlying communities and such.
    Mnmover99 and Lotsa Bellyfat Thank this.
  6. jmz

    jmz Road Train Member

    Mar 9, 2018
    Great Plains
    FedEx Freight linehaul, we seem to keep losing bid runs every few months, which so far is being offset by drivers quitting and retiring. Over the past year and a half we’ve lost about 20% of the bid runs at my barn.

    Morale hasn’t been great with the news that FedEx is looking to get rid of their LTL division, and it’s only getting worse with drivers being written up for petty stuff and the trucks getting new crappy “features” turned on.
  7. Someguywithquestions

    Someguywithquestions Light Load Member

    Jan 10, 2021
    Northwest Terminal, one of the bigger LTLs, dont want to doxx myself since management is so trigger happy.

    Only been at this place and in the ltl world for a handful of months.

    Its really all over the place for us. Sister terminals are all over the place as well. Some are dramatically understaffed. Mostly due to cost of living. Typically out in Utah, Montana, Wyoming, etc. Some days we have inbound dock workers frantically running up until midnight. Some days the dock workers get cut and dont even come in. Sometimes P&D guys have to work the dock when they get back.

    Linehaul is down to just 1-2 extra board guys i think. Some guys get cancelled but its not too bad.

    From what i hear, everyone is afraid of the election and praying that the fed cuts rates soon. Our barn is slightly overstaffed. Theyre being kinda pedantic about any slight slipup but theyre only handing out write ups at the moment. Nobody has been fired yet here. Sister terminals i run line to have had guys get fired for goofy stuff and one or two for legit reasons.

    Ultimately, being a greenhorn to the LTL world but not to trucking; i dont like it. Im making insane money but we work break neck speeds, always being pushed, its never enough, management breathes down your neck, you walk on eggshells, and they make it very clear constantly that youre replaceable and a million drivers would kill to have your job. And even if you do everything right, you can still be laid off no matter what seniority you have if a boss doesnt like you.

    Im making good money but i dont dare buy my first home, get a nice car, or do anything other than dump the money into the bank/stocks because i know how quickly things can go under here. Plus im almost totally burning down a 70 hour clock most weeks and work 6 days a week and all holidays. Sometimes 7 days if we have a string of short runs. Along with my 2 hour commute each day. I absolutely hate LTL to be honest. In a way, im not super worried about getting fired. I know when im on my deathbed i wont be saying how much i regret not maxing out those last 2-3 hours of my 70. But the money is below none... Except UPS.

    Golden handcuffs i guess.
    jmz and REO6205 Thank this.
  8. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    People say they’re all the same and the only difference is the name on the door.

    They’re really not, IMHO.

    Some outfits are way easier to work for than others, even if the pay may be a little less. I’m just glad I landed at a halfway decent one for my first shot at it.
    hotrod1653 Thanks this.
  9. barrylester

    barrylester Bobtail Member

    Apr 5, 2021
    I figured Id apply to one thats 3 miles from my home. It says we'll pay for you to get your tanker/hazmat within 90 days. I set up a interview and within 3 minutes the hiring manager says oh yeah we dont do that anymore people tend to prolong that past 120 days. Okay thank you and goodbye. oh no no no we can continue. ####### wasted another 30 mins of my time by me having an interview with corporate HR over the phone. Just appeasing corporate. Shady ####s.
  10. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    More of the classic bait-and-switch, I see. :rolleyes:

    The J.B. Hunt disease is spreading.
  11. jmz

    jmz Road Train Member

    Mar 9, 2018
    Great Plains
    Must be nice living somewhere with so many opportunities to get into LTL that you can afford to walk out of an interview over something that minor.
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