DAC fired after 3 incidents

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by yoelva, Apr 6, 2019.

  1. JoeyJunk

    JoeyJunk Road Train Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    Washington, PA
    I don’t think the dollar accounts are a wise decision if the driver has issues hitting things. LOL
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  3. JohnBoy

    JohnBoy Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Lake Worth, FL.
    The OP has had 3 “incidents” (hitting stationary objects) in 1.8 years? Got it. With the new job it will stop. Suggestion, G.O.A.L.
    Knucklehead, FlaSwampRat and COBB2070 Thank this.
  4. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    No luck with a new job yet?
  5. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    Me thinks you hit too many things with a 18 wheeler.

    One of the skills of a professional driver is NOT to hit anything.

    No wonder you are having trouble with work. What's going on, why are you hitting stuff that much? When I drive I don't hit stuff but maybe once a year. And that self reporting is just cutting your own throat sir.
  6. Snakeschasingcars

    Snakeschasingcars Heavy Load Member

    Mar 22, 2018
    I had 2 minor incidents in first 2 months and 1 dot accident with a ticket to boot almost year n some change latter and that got me fired soon as i lost the fight on the ticket. Got a offer on my bus ride home... And was hired within week of getting home. I stopped having incidents and accidents. Well not exactly few months back i cliped a curb n bent a rim.year n half into 2nd job... But the point is someone will hire you just start applying at places. I had 18 mounths in when i got fired. I was completely honest about everything and that why i landed a new job. Just start plugin away at places. Someone will take you. You will have to prove your worth and keep it clean for next year or 2. It be hard to bounce back with to much more. But my situation was much worse. So you should be fine. I fell up to a much better job that pays alot better. Some will say no but i dont see many alot will say yes.
    Last edited: May 1, 2019
  7. X-Country

    X-Country Medium Load Member

    Mar 27, 2014
    FedEx Ground doesnt check your DAC report and you can still make decent money.

    Look for a solo dedicated run on craigslist in your area.

    Keep your mouth shut about hitting anything.

    Pulling doubles and running linehaul is some of the easiest work you will do and it pays great.

    Hooking doubles up is easy. Just remember to hook your safety chains, put your pintle hook down on your front trailer and always take pics of safety chains hooked, dolly handle being in the correct position (IN) and your fifth wheels being locked in and air/electrical connections.

    Hardly any backing with linehaul, just the dolly to the rear trailer and front trailer to the dolly.

    Drive to a swap point, drop and hook (swap w/ another driver) and come right back. Home every night.

    And stop hitting stuff. Good luck.
  8. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    I understand there are people who can back a set of doubles.

    I consider myself able to put a 53 any where if it can fit. But those who might put doubles backwards into places are just existing on a higher plane I will never hope to experience.
    Knucklehead and X-Country Thank this.
  9. Omega1

    Omega1 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 18, 2017
    Just slow down and stop hitting things. Your career is salvageable, but you need to do some serious soul searching. Ask yourself these questions "Why is this happening to me?" "What am I doing wrong?" I'll bet that if you answer these questions honestly, you will solve your problem. My advice: Take your time, size up your situation, get out and look, and don't hit anything no matter what situation you are in.
    Knucklehead, x1Heavy and X-Country Thank this.
  10. X-Country

    X-Country Medium Load Member

    Mar 27, 2014
    Right? I can get them backed up about 20-30 feet and then my dolly starts to jack knife.

    There’s a guy at FXG Henderson, CO who can back them up from one end of the yard to the other. He is impressive to watch.
    Knucklehead, Bluedew and x1Heavy Thank this.
  11. Omega1

    Omega1 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 18, 2017
    Become the guy that everyone else talks about. Study, learn, then practice. Then you will become the driver who doesn't hesitate getting into that tight spot. It takes time and practice.
    Knucklehead and X-Country Thank this.
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