Dangerous Great Dane flat bed driver

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by DFL/GA, Dec 27, 2024.

  1. DFL/GA

    DFL/GA Bobtail Member

    Dec 27, 2024
    Unsafe driver in this Great Dane flat bed, my husband was trying to get off the exit as he wouldn’t give us any room and was going 10 miles over the speed limit. We finally made our way on front as he continued to accelerate, then moves to the middle lane and moves back towards our lane and throw us off the road. The male did it all with bad intentions, even though, he saw our two children sitting in the back he behaved out of control. Event happened today, Friday December 27 at 12:30 pm in Locust Grove, GA, South of ATL. Wish there was a way to report incidents like this to the company he is working for, so dangerous.

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  3. JonJon78

    JonJon78 Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2018
    OMG, how rude of that trucker!!! God forbid if the 4 wheeler ever gets behind the big truck when exiting the highway, they all gotta fly up front and cut over.
  4. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Sorry you felt victimized on the road.....but if you were trying to pass him and he was going 10 mph over the speed limit, you should have gone 11 mph over the speed limit, or just back out of trying to pass him. Your husband seems to be a non driver.
  5. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    The truck driver was going 10 mph over and continued to accelerate so we went 30 over to get “on front” Lol.

    Listen cupcake, just be glad it wasn’t me..I’d have sent yah.. Kids or not I’d have sent yah to Jesus.

    You and your cheap plastic KIA :)
  6. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    But the children!
    FearTheCorn and The_vett Thank this.
  7. Lyle H

    Lyle H Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    So if all this is true, why didn’t you just call the police?
    You have all the information you need to identify the truck in your picture.
    Saltyoldone, The_vett and OldeSkool Thank this.
  8. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    Because it would be like a pot head calling the police because he got ripped off on a drug purchase.

    “Officer..I had to go 30 over the speed limit to get “on front”..my KIA almost burst into flames and my Children!!”
    The_vett and JonJon78 Thank this.
  9. Lyle H

    Lyle H Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    Yeah, I really expect this to just be a troll anyway.
    What non trucker would start an account for something like this anyway?
    Saltyoldone, The_vett and Concorde Thank this.
  10. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    Some people think this is the place to report truckers.
    Unfortunately they don’t think before they post.
    I’m not sympathetic at all with this one. Speeding and trying to jump in front of a truck with kids in the vehicle is about as dumb as it gets. Someday they’ll do it to one that’s loaded to 80k and that’ll be the end of them.

    Wish I could share the images of all the dead people I’ve seen on the road including a couple children getting cpr by their mom on the shoulder..kids didn’t survive. This mom I really got busted up over because she didn’t do anything wrong.
    Just a dangerous place to be nowadays and the op certainly has no common sense to back off and just get to point b safety.
  11. Flat Earth Trucker

    Flat Earth Trucker Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2018
    If I were driving in a car with children inside, why would I want be in such a hurry to overtake this flatbed that, as you state, was already exceeding the speed limit by ten mph?

    It's a large commercial motor vehicle that requires room to maneuver and may occupy one or more lanes during a turn, especially in a roundabout.

    Our roads were constructed chiefly with cars in mind and so our flatbed driver was not likely driving dangerously, but rather needed more than one lane to turn. So many people in cars just do not understand this and I see it reflected in their driving habits and in posts such as yours.

    Show some patience behind the wheel. You aren't entitled to be ahead of everyone else on the road and driving that way will only set you on a path to meeting Jesus sooner than you had hoped.

    Think it out a bit, is your next risky maneuver really going to get you to your next destination that much more quickly?
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