Danny Herman Orientation

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Canwil3565, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. Canwil3565

    Canwil3565 Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    Spending time at the terminal the past couple days I have found ur right. They really are all saying the same thing. I'm worried. Just watched a guy take an uber out of here quitting b/c they won't fix his apu. Constantly runs hot. Mechanics seem to be dismissive at best. Sad. Just sad.
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  3. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    That's just it, something is up and no one know what it is. A year ago it was really a good company.
    Canwil3565 Thanks this.
  4. NuckChorris

    NuckChorris Bobtail Member

    Sep 26, 2017
    Central California
    Sorry for the late reply. I just got off the truck for home time, so I finally have some time to reply.

    I've been talking to Sally a lot. She knows all the issues I've been facing. The problem for me is that if I do decide to go back in to a terminal, then I'm sitting around even longer, and who knows if the mechanics will find all the issues. It seems that my truck will have an isolated issue every week - for example, my bunk heater just stopped working a couple weeks back. I really don't want to sit around a terminal for a day or two, but if I get routed into an area that still gets fairly cold at night I'm going to be miserable.
  5. HD_Renegade

    HD_Renegade Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2010
    North Carolina
    Normally if you call a terminal like a day before you get there they do a much better job of fitting you in or just putting you on the schedule. This way less down time for you.
  6. NuckChorris

    NuckChorris Bobtail Member

    Sep 26, 2017
    Central California
    I have a feeling I started just as things were starting to go south for DHT. I'm really starting to get fed up with dispatch and them not communicating well. Busted my ### getting down to the border to drop a load going into Mexico, but hadn't been to that particular area with DHT before and they never mentioned that the trailer needed a safety inspection. Having driven almost all of my 11 to get to the receiver, I was out of hours and couldn't do anything until the next morning. All that was needed to avoid that situation was a message saying "hey, swing by the yard to get the trailer inspected," but they failed to do so. On top of that, I've been experiencing constant issues with my truck. Not really seeing a good reason to stay on with these guys.

    Having said that, I have been seeing good miles that past few weeks. Only one load under 1000 miles and most have been 1700+ miles.

    I've called dispatch on loads that I know I'm not going to make on time, and they've told me to go ahead and drop the trailer in El Paso, only to show up in El Paso and be told that no one knew I was coming in... Lack of communication is terrible.
    HD_Renegade Thanks this.
  7. Canwil3565

    Canwil3565 Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    I second that! Just starting to see what ur talking about! They gave me this kirklands load to San Antonio that was already a day late and aggravating me about eta...cant understand why I couldn't drive to the first drop thru Austin, San marcos and the San Antonio in town to park during rush hour traffic?! Only had 3 hrs 12 minutes when I arrived at loves in Italy, tx....hmmmmm
    My apu is still broken. Been to terminal now 4 times for same problem. Hub oil seal was also leaking badly and u could clearly see the seal leaking and they said it wasn't. Uh, how come I have to put oil in it daily then? Where is it going? Evaporation? Lol left out of so Paso and had them pay for loves to do it. Oh- I have a pic! 0506190750a.jpg
  8. dieselpowered

    dieselpowered Heavy Load Member

    May 16, 2016
    Had there terminal mechanics can't fix anything had their mechanics two different shops work on my APU see why it can't run longer than 5 minutes. They say their fancy computer tell them when there event and can fix both El Paso and Phillipsburg unable to fix the same issue. Told them I will find another carrier sad part is you could have had other issues wouldn't have bothered me as much but when it gets hot as hell in the truck after trying sleep with that and expect me to drive that's a no go for me.
    Canwil3565 Thanks this.
  9. Canwil3565

    Canwil3565 Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    So I just don't understand....why in the heck do they have so many problems with their apu units? U think they r just old and worn out or do they pick them up from a junkyard? Everyone says the same thing. Mine keeps freezing up. Same thing, it runs for 5 mins or so, then throws a check engine code and won't come back on until....im assuming it "thaws" out?! What the world?!
  10. Fireeater58

    Fireeater58 Light Load Member

    Feb 26, 2017
    Do you plan on staying. I was looking at coming to DHT.
    Canwil3565 Thanks this.
  11. dieselpowered

    dieselpowered Heavy Load Member

    May 16, 2016
    I hear ya jumping ship I can't run fast enough company doesn't at least have the proper equipment for the driver even stay in the truck shouldn't be in business. I could see an older person having a serious medical issue have this happen stuck with an overheated truck for a night or two. Be safe out there
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