Dat load board for a lease operator?

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by International2020, Jun 27, 2024.

  1. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    You guys act like only the authority holder can book loads off loadboards. It's not impossible to be leased on and get legitimate access to a load board. But, and this is the big one, not every carrier you lease on with will allow that and if they don't you're SOL.

    If they do you'll have to pay for your own load board subscription unless they generously decide to foot that bill for you. Most won't. Looking at a loadboard isn't going to tell you much of anything anyways. Borrowing someone's login credentials to a load board isn't going to happen unless you know or trust somebody. Multiple logins for any board subscription cost extra so you can't just share one login amongst several users. You can, but it won't work out. You can look at free boards from different brokers such as CHRW or Coyote but only after getting permission from your carrier and going through the process. You'll mostly see loads with no rates or garbage rates same as the subscription boards.
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  3. ElmerFudpucker

    ElmerFudpucker Road Train Member

    May 17, 2024
    Never acted like that. It happens a good bit. I don’t know why anyone would work at a company where YOU had to do that. Seems they aren’t bringing much to the table. Also it’s very dangerous for the broker. If #### goes sideways. The carrier can always claim trucker xyz didn’t have the authority to make such promises or such claims. It just seems very convoluted and not a good business model for any party involved.

    And yes I know you did it for years.
  4. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Some brokers verify if certain employees or contractors have authorization to book under a given MC. Some don't and that's on them. This wasn't about me or what's a good way of doing things. Maybe op has some direct leased there but wants to book his own backhauls off loadboards? We don't know he just asked about accessing them and got a few useless replies. There's more than one way to truck everybody don't do it the way you do.
  5. LOTSO

    LOTSO Medium Load Member

    Mar 28, 2023
    From what I've seen on YouTube, it is becoming more common for a small company to lease on to a bigger company now. Why? Because the small Co. got their Authority 4 years ago and could afford that $35,000 insurance premium. Now the small carrier shuts down their Authority and Leases on. Now they have Insurance and get access to the load boards. Some take 20% if they find the load for you and 14% if you book your own load.
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