Death in family

Discussion in 'Expediter and Hot Shot Trucking Forum' started by Lite bug, Jul 8, 2019.

  1. Lite bug

    Lite bug Road Train Member

    May 3, 2014
    Columbus Ohio
    My friend had a death in the family and has delivered and on his way back. He can not make it back home today having about 7 hrs. left on the clock. He wants to drive and when come to sleep pull over catch a few zee’s and go on personal convance drive back in and taking the rest of the week off. He is also debating to stop at the port of entry and asking the guys working there. I told him I would ask on here if anybody can give him direction. Thanks in advance
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  3. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    sorry to hear about his situation. for my view on this, the rules are the rules. he should have parked the truck, and flown home.

    it would be a miracle if he were to be allowed anymore than what the rules say.
    Lite bug Thanks this.
  4. CousinVinny

    CousinVinny Medium Load Member

    Jan 26, 2015
    New Jersey
    If he is driving back to his home to attend a funeral, unladen and not under dispatch, that drive is personal conveyance.
    Lite bug, Grumppy, cuzzin it and 8 others Thank this.
  5. frito bandito

    frito bandito Light Load Member

    May 31, 2019
    I would have gone n PC as soon as I delivered.
  6. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    If this is a big truck with sleeper, he is bound by ELD rules. HOWEVER... if he can get back into the USA out of Canada which is what you are indicating by Port of Entry and put enough time in the sleeper to get hours back then run to your home in Ohio.

    The funeral home will be able to cool the body to a state that will slow the progress of decomposition for a time. It should be sufficient to hold it at the same or very close to what it was at death for him to come visit there with you. You drive him there in the car or something. But not for too long before decisions have to be made what to do with the body.

    Personally I would have gotten back into USA and gone straight home PC. citing death in family.

    Violations will be dealt with if necessary in court.. But one way or another that truck is home.
    justcarhaulin and Grumppy Thank this.
  7. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    if the body is embalmed, it'll keep in the cooler/fridge that they have, but there also might be other deceased that need to be taken care of as well,depending on the funeral homes schedule.

    however, like my late dad, he was cremated and as such NO embalming took place and as a result, we had to have his "wake" no more than 2 days after his passing.

    so it all depends on what the family is doing for the arrangements.

    some religions, you die today, the wake/funeral is today, you are buried tomorrow.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2019
    x1Heavy Thanks this.
  8. NoCoCraig

    NoCoCraig Road Train Member

    Nov 7, 2010
    Chattanooga, Tennessee
    Pretty sure by "Port of Entry" he means a weigh station on a State border. Not an international crossing
    D.Tibbitt, Lite bug, buddyd157 and 2 others Thank this.
  9. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    since my last employer, we were still on paper logs, i thought that pc was for a short/time distance.??

    he still has to meet the required rest breaks, (10 hrs) though, doesn't he??
  10. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    Based on our own plans, Funeral home takes custody of body after two hours. Or when released by coroner within 3 hours max. At funeral home it will sit three days pending cremation and skeleton is converted to ashes by grinding.

    Once all of that is done, it's "Buried" in a designated potters field of our choice.

    The reason for the three day delay is Crematory has laws requiring a pause. And the first two is the development of signs that yes I am indeed dead and will be tested before flames by a special test. and shove it in there when passed. The other reason is that the survivor spouse will need some time the first day to wrap up the reality of the passing with the deceased.

    That's our set. Set in stone since cancer back in 2005.

    Thats all I will say here. Most people grieve in death and it's a big loss. But I say this. Better to have loved and seen pass on than never to have loved at all with family, friends and so on. Numbered are our days and it has a beginning and a ending.

    The thing that rubs me personally is the Law itself. PC! This, that and only just these reasons they say in DC. BS I cry. And stand against it because there are ten thousand ways in Life to simply invoke the 9th Amendment in times of Death or irretrievable loss in family to the trucker.

    The last tornado when it destroyed our town but missed our house, I was in KC my company in Batesville had me home essentially as fast as the wheels turn, logs be ######. Once I sorted out everything is on order then back out I went. It's just one of those things in life not covered by the Law. And should not be.
  11. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    I accept that. However... given the situation worsecase scenario I chose would be a International crossing.

    POE in state like say Wyoming is just a chance to stretch legs and show the scale coop man that we have no loads delivering IN the state roll on.
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