Im thinking about going CRE for schooling and probably lease after that. I heard all the bad about them but im still willing to give it a shot since I can't seem to pay for schooling and waiting on the grant is taking too long for me. Does anybody know about there lease program? Do you own the truck after completing the lease? What's truck payments like, do you get a fuel surcharge, a truck warranty. And if so how many miles? Is it forced dispatch? Just the full sh-bang about leasing there. Thanks
do you own the truck after leasing?
Discussion in 'CR England' started by Rollin_18, Jan 15, 2013.
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youve read all the bad about them and STILL want to lease with them? find that hard to england has one of the most crooked reputations in the industry in regards to lease program. you have many more options than going to cre for school. there are more reputable companies (read: any but crst) that train (millis has best deal that ive heard), can go to comm college for fairly cheap, can go to private school offering financing. please do some more research...englands reputation is that they essentially WANT the lease drivers to fail. as hard as that may be to comprehend, think of it this way...there is far more financial incentive for ANY company who does lease in having a driver fail and give the truck back than there is in having the driver succeed. this is not to say that all leases are crooked, but a good number of them are. and like i said, england's rep is that they are among the WORST.
Fourteen cent a mile variable mileage charge. The purpose for this is left unclear and as far as I know, C.R. England is the only company that does this. Ninety cents minus fourteen cents is seventy six cents and you don't even get a fuel surcharge. You get a "fuel cap". There are a lot of lease programs where you get to own the truck at the end. C.R. England isn't one of them.
Rollin_18 Thanks this. -
I've been doing a ton of research on companies. Millis called today they posed to call back tomorrow to talk more and I hope and pray to God that they take cause they are the best, ill retire with them lol but what you just said made something in my brain click that they want to get trucks for the company, I never thought of it that way, I was reading transams website and they said they can end the agreement anytime without anything being done wrong you can just be let go, that sucks so they are off my list. Prime said yea but need 5 months of work since I was fired in 2012. Im thinking about doing CRE lease on there try it for 6 months or whatever then quiting after setting everything up with prime. I also put a app in with stevens transport but haven't heard anything back but its only been a day. I have a prehire with USX and set up school with a comm college around my house but I just need funding and im ready to drive now im tired of waiting I should say. I heard one guy on here. Probably like the 6th thread down from this one, he was talking about leasing and said he is on his 2nd lease. I question it cause wouldn't you own the truck after leasing so why lease again unless your just trying to get trucks to start your own fleet. Idk I have a ton of thinking to do but I know if they call ima probably go to them and try out the lease and if I don't like there lease go to prime cause I really lease to get my own truck so I can run for landstar or mercer and then get my own authority, but trust me I understand its owning your own business but I've been planning and adding break downs and repair and fuel and truck payments up everyday for the past 6 months and doing a ton of research on how to be a successful business owner and the whole 9 and I think im ready. I have no documentable experience but I come from a long line of truckers and a couple owner ops so I've driven a big truck, double clutch, progressive shifting and more, I wouldn't say im a know it all but I know more the average newbie and some dumb truckers lol I appreciate you writing though. What company do work for? Do they train?
Thanks truckermario, that last part killed me ever leasing with them, why would anybody make there payments for them? Lol im going to get my 6 months then im out, ill go to prime and lease, do you know about there lease? Do you own the truck upon completion? Or any other good leasing companies
You can BS all you want...but you just stepped on your own toes.....
Sounds like you want someone to say go for it with CRE.....I'll bite....
Gasienica Thanks this. -
Prime is your choice now...better check this new thread out.....
I didn't want anybody to say go for it, ill go for if I want to. All I really wanted to know was if you get the truck upon completion of the lease. But after truckermario said no you don't get the truck that changed my mind about paying there bills and getting nothing in return. Sounds like CRE is the best pimp in the world to me.
truckermario Thanks this. -
Well then who do I lease a truck from then mr super trucker(otherhalftw). My credit ain't the best and I know I wont be able to fiance a truck. Who has the best lease purchase with no credit check and don't really care what I have to put down
One to check out...and they have a school, $1.00 buy out after completion of lease is John Christner Trucking...
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