Does western express take out enough for taxes

Discussion in 'Trucker Taxes and Truck Financing' started by LouisFred54, Nov 4, 2024.

  1. LouisFred54

    LouisFred54 Light Load Member

    Apr 25, 2017
    Hello. I just started working for western express. I got a couple of paychecks and I’m not entirely sure if there’s enough out of my check for taxes. I just don’t want to owe anything come tax time. Anyone with experience with this company?
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  3. drivingmissdaisy

    drivingmissdaisy Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2019
    Did they take out the necessary restitution, fines and probation/parole fees?
  4. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    No experience with WE..doesn’t matter anyway.

    What they take out depends on what/how you filled out your W-4 form.

    You should have a copy or ask them for one and consult with your CPA.
  5. born&raisedintheusa

    born&raisedintheusa Road Train Member

    Sep 20, 2012
    Wichita, KS
    1) If you don't have a CPA, you may want to file as "single - zero dependents" on your W-4 form, less chance of owing money to the I.R.S. or your state revenue department.
    2) There are individuals who will go as far as to have additional money taken out of their pay for both the I.R.S. and their state revenue departments, in addition to filing as "single - zero dependents" on their W-4 forms. Each individual has to decide this for himself or herself.

    Me Personally:
    I have owed money in the past to both the I.R.S. and the state revenue department. I made it a point to pay it all back as fast as I could. Since then, I have not had any problems.
    2) I do file as "single - zero dependents". Also, I do receive Social Security every month, since reaching full retirement age back in 2023. I have 22% taken out of every monthly Social Security check for federal income taxes, trying very hard NOT to owe any money to the I.R.S. or state revenue department.
    3) At the end of this year, (December 2024), I will probably be retiring from my current job. I would then reduce that 22% to 7%.

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    Last edited: Nov 5, 2024
  6. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    It all depends on how much your check was. If you didn't run that much, they aren't going to take that much.
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