drive it till wheels fall off

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by sandman, Nov 3, 2007.

  1. sandman

    sandman Light Load Member

    Nov 3, 2007
    here or there
    About a year ago my wife and I were 40 miles east of Amarillo on 40 moving east. When a man in brand new pickup flagged me down and told us we lost a tire. Thinking we just blew a trailer tire I went back to see we Lost the whole outter wheel. THE man told us he was following when it busted all the outter nuts an bounce over the top of his new pickup, landed almost hit two more cars went into the ditch and hit a post that holds up the gaurd rail. Thank god know one got hurt. We were able to retrive the tire and rim amazingly the tire didn't blow. And we never even got a fine.
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