Wondering if anyone has ever had any luck with either brand? Purchased 4 TRP 950cca batteries last January and they are junk. The truck still starts but bunk heater cuts off during the night with the low voltage warning buzzer going off. Paid $500 for 4 from Peterbilt.
The price difference between these two is only $15/each.
Duracell from Batteries plus are East Penn.
Super Start from O'riellys are made in Australia...
Duracell or Super Start Batteries, which do you prefer?
Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by JonJon78, Dec 8, 2024.
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Duracell currently simply because they’re East Penn. Got them at The Batteries plus.
4mer trucker, hope not dumb twucker and JonJon78 Thank this. -
. Available in store off the shelf
4mer trucker and JonJon78 Thank this. -
4mer trucker and Rideandrepair Thank this.
Best prices are usually Alliance at Freightliner or TP? at Peterbilt. Even NAPA sometimes. They all seem the same. East Penn though have always supposed to be the best. Thicker plates supposedly. The plant in PA is State of Art. Hauling lead, and recycled aluminum into a few different plants over the years. East Penn seems much better.
4mer trucker, hope not dumb twucker, JonJon78 and 1 other person Thank this. -
I always had good luck with alliance at freightliner. Last time I bought batteries they were 90 dollars + core charge ... although I had an apu on my truck as well so I'm not sure what their longevity is without a apu
hope not dumb twucker, Rideandrepair and JonJon78 Thank this. -
Reminds me, I need to put a charge on the 3 new Duracell’s sitting in my garage. Hopefully they’ll still be good in spring. Been sitting for a year already.
D.Tibbitt Thanks this. -
Volvo or freightliner dealer, they about $80 each and will last you for 2 years at least.
D.Tibbitt Thanks this. -
TRP batteries are junk. They last maybe a year if you’re lucky. I get Alliance batteries at Freightliner now. Just under $500 for 4 of them a couple weeks ago.
rabbiporkchop, krupa530, D.Tibbitt and 3 others Thank this.
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