Hey there fellers. I got a problem that I can’t figure out. I have a 2016 Volvo with a Cummins and a10 speed Eaton Ultrashift Transmission. Lately I’ve been having battery problems and last week the battery died and when I jumped it and got it started I got a service light on the push bottom shifter and on the dash It will switch from F to N for what gear it is showing. I got an active fault code for the transmission that is: SA 3 SPN 520571 FMI 4. Now I’m now sure what to make of this but I simply can’t get it to go into drive or shift gears. Can anyone point me in the right direction. I have to get it towed to a shop which will be costly and then have it diagnosed. At least I can have an understanding of that’s happening before I have to do that. Thanks
Eaton Ultrashift Transmission
Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by Nachthecat1, Nov 30, 2024.
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Code is Related to power supply to the Electronic Clutch Actuator (ECA). could very well be related to your battery issues, as a corroded/bad connection on the batteries or other wiring/corrosion issues in the wires that supply power to the ECA.
If the ECA doesn't have good steady power the transmission will not shift at all. -
I see the wires going to the ECA rubbed/corroded more than anything for that issue in my area.
Sounds like the shop didn't do thorough troubleshooting before replacing the ECA to me. sometimes it will still show 12v at the ECA but if you load test the circuit it will drop the voltage to nothing.
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