England tries to get us for abandonment of truck

Discussion in 'CR England' started by runningonempty, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. runningonempty

    runningonempty Bobtail Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    New Braunfels, TX
    We dropped the truck off at an official England dropyard which was guarded. Adam this weekend DM said you leave the truck there and we'll get you for abandonment. Naturally we asked how can that be abandonment when it's at an official dropyard and guarded? No response. So I emailed my hubby's ex DM and said you tell that self-righteous Adam you even think of trying that and my hubby and I will have a nice little chat with D.O.T. about how you love to have your drivers double log just so they make their loads on time. England all ready got shut down once because of their logs by the FBI and D.O.T. so I'm pretty sure they don't want that again. It all ready came over the qcomm that Safety's boss, Connie Nicholls boss and our ex DM's boss are worried that they're going to be audited again. It's just nice to know that we got the last laugh on our DM when we told our DM that we had to go back to Fort Worth to sign some papers for our old house and the dumb nut bought. Once we got to Fort Worth, we left the truck and got hired on by one excellent company. John Christner rocks!! England was going to try to make us go to Utah so they could kick us off the property like they have done to so many others. We played it cool and told them we not moving this truck unless it's a trip to Fort Worth. Four hours later we were in Sapulpa, OK, and the next day hired on by JCT. So you people who want to get out of England, and are leasers, don't move your truck until you get close to home, otherwise it will be a long way to home if you're not from Utah.

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  3. Tip

    Tip Tipster

    Mar 18, 2006
    Did you turn in the truck like you're supposed to? Please say "My husband and I took the truck to the proper terminal, we had a safety/shop guy go over the checklist with us, everything was checked, the form was signed, we gave the shop one copy while we took another, and then we took a heap of pictures of the truck." Yeah, please say you did that. If you didn't, you're about to get reamed.

    How much does England still owe you? Another ex-England fleece driver posted here not long ago that when he quit, he just dropped the truck off and walked away. Big mistake. England bored him for like 4700 for all sorts of things. He didn't check 'er back in properly and England took full advantage. Will this happen to you?

    I hope you don't think you'll actually put a dent in England's armor. I'm not coming off as a smart-###, but you're not the very first people these guys have pulled this on. An NFL stadium could be filled with all of England's past victims, and England is still at it. They know those ex-drivers won't touch 'em no matter what those drivers try to do to right many a wrong. They're not worried about you, believe me.

    The big question now is how much are they gonna rip you for?

    Anyway, at least you made it out of there and found a much better outfit. Glad to hear it. Know that a company doesn't have to be that great to be a lot better than C.Our. England Help-Wanted Ad.
  4. runningonempty

    runningonempty Bobtail Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    New Braunfels, TX
    One because we only had $450.00 to work with and I read on here after they do that checklist they kick you off the property and that's it. We didn't have the money to go from Utah to Oklahoma in a U-haul. We lost our home because of England. We had our comp stuff and our cat with us. For the year we worked with England we made a total of $12,000.00 net pay and ran 130,000 miles. This was the whole year. I think England more than got the money for that dang truck. With what we were making $0.00 paychecks a wk, it came down to a matter of survival. Anyone in our shoes probably would have done the same thing. The company we're with now we can make take home pay $3,000-$3,500 a wk. We can get our home back. We know that England is running scared from D.O.T. because of the double loggers. They don't want to get audited again. We read it on the Qcomm. Our lease payments were with taxes and permits came to $1,300 a wk another $2,000 at least. We would make around $3,600 and get $0.00. So who's stealing from whom? We should of at least got $300.00 but got zero. I copied and pasted all our paychecks we got for the whole year and we will be showing it to an attorney. Like my husband said, the only reason they want to get you on abandonment for is because we didn't do it England's way. I'm sure anyone would have done it our way if they saw a light at the end of the tunnel and prevented starvation. What good is any job going to do us if we're dead from starvation? Like I said, where we left that truck was an official England dropyard and well guarded. By the way Tip love your sig. lol

  5. runningonempty

    runningonempty Bobtail Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    New Braunfels, TX
    There were some leasers who did beat England and had OOIDA on their side. We're going to contact them as well as an attorney. I just feel sorry for the little people England keeps stomping on. If that company was going to burn I wish it would hurry up and do so.

  6. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX
    Good for you two. Keep TX tough and screw CRE. :biggrin_25514:Glad to hear you are finally going to get some jingle in your pockets.:biggrin_25519: Have always heard that JCT will pay you if you are willing to do the work. And no cavity search to talk to the managers.:biggrin_2559:
  7. Tip

    Tip Tipster

    Mar 18, 2006
    Sorry to hear you actually lost your house because of these guys. It's a common outcome at that outfit. I used to live in the Salt Lake City area, and I remember seeing England's help-wanted ad in the Salt Lake Tribune every day, and I do mean EVERY day of the world. If you didn't see their help-wanted ad begging for drivers, you knew it was Christmas and there was no paper. That's the only time they didn't beg. I use help-wanted ads as a 'reverse DAC' to tell which outfits one should avoid, so I knew they were rotten from about the first week I lived in Utah. Then there are all the stories like yours I've heard over the years.

    I'm about to get together with some of you ex-England guys and rent a billboard over on Pioneer...maybe about the 10,000 block west of ol' route 201 to let everyone know about this POS outfit. It irks me to read polyanna posts here tooting England and claiming how 'great' that company is when I know the truth about them. A billboard would help, would it not?

    Ditto for SwiftQuit and JoBHunt.
  8. runningonempty

    runningonempty Bobtail Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    New Braunfels, TX
    You got that right Big. TX is my heart (well besides my cat and hubby lol). JCT will bring just that since my hubby is a runner. He can run 4,700 miles a wk no problemo especially since he has me as the navigator (laptops come in handy), and the cat as a second seat and copilot. JCT pays the same for dead head and loaded. The only thing you have to pay with JCT is your lease payment and the gas. He covers all taxes (highway etc...) permits the whole nine yards. We did the math on my laptop with England we ran 130,000 for the year net pay for the year $12,000. Dang thief. We want to get a home in New Braunsfel. We love that area so much. If thats your picture Big, then maybe one day I'll see you in TX in our JCT truck and say a big howdy! Three to five years from now that truck will be ours. You pay Mr. JC one dollar and he gives you the title of that truck. My hubby all ready has his eye on this one truck after we get our home back and land and that's the International Lone Star. Dang gorgeous truck. I figured let the man dream for the heck he put up with England. Take Care Big and be safe out there.

  9. runningonempty

    runningonempty Bobtail Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    New Braunfels, TX
    Hey Tip,

    You said something about a billboard? Once I get 50 posts on here I will be more the happy for u to add mine and my hubbies names to that billboard. I'll PM them to ya. Heck I know my hubby would even contribute monetarily to the board. He wants them burned. My hubby got a message on his cell from his ex DM plz don't contact D.O.T. about doubling logs from his ex DM. Gee why? Are u afraid of being fired by D.O.T.? I guess after me emailing my hubby's ex DM about you get us on abandonment I will have a nice chat with D.O.T. about you and England doubling logs hit. When they got shutdown the first time it wasn't only by D.O.T. it was by the FBI I heard as well. So I wonder if I will be hearing anything else about abandonment of the truck? I could almost say a Touche is in order. Just want to give you a good chuckle in the a.m. :clown: You take care Tip.

  10. Tip

    Tip Tipster

    Mar 18, 2006
    Good luck with your situation, Running. Sounds like you'll do just fine. I'll shoot you a PM later about this billboard thing.
  11. camo

    camo Light Load Member

    Mar 15, 2007
    You'd think more people would turn around and go home on the first day . Especialy when they see where they will be bunking. Talk about a " roach motel ". I've been in better motels in the middle of crack towns. Who knows when they last cleaned the rooms or showers ? If I wasn't so tired when I arrived the first day, I would of got back on the Grey Hound Bus and went home. I should of took that as an omen.
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