Essentially discrimination

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by 86scotty, Jan 28, 2025.

  1. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    There are a few federally-protected groups you cannot discriminate against. If you are not one of those (race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information then discrimination is NOT illegal and may not even be wrong.
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  3. El Hueso

    El Hueso Light Load Member

    Dec 29, 2024
    El Paso. Tejas
    You hear all the time about people that just love their insurance company. They got a "good price". You don't know how good or bad a company is until there is a claim. The brokers in this case know, Progressive has lower rates because they don't pay or they under pay.
    Lite bug, tscottme and JimmyTwoTimes Thank this.
  4. FloridaRetired

    FloridaRetired Medium Load Member

    Mar 28, 2024
    That's still a lame reason to deny the quick pay. Claims can still be filed past 30 days, does it mean the op would not get paid had he chosen their standard term?
    86scotty Thanks this.
  5. FloridaRetired

    FloridaRetired Medium Load Member

    Mar 28, 2024
    It is strange that Progressive could have this bad reputation amongs certain brokers. It has A+ financial rating and is it widely popular with top notch 'domestic' and direct customer service.
    I remember It was super quick and unproblematic to process my claim after extensive damage I once got, hitting a deer.

    Maybe too many frivolous claims by unscrupulous brokers or receivers?

    For example, receiving a shortage claim two months after delivery, POD signed clean with seal intact. The claim was rejected. It was nipped in the bud, but they tried.
  6. PPNLE

    PPNLE Road Train Member

    Jun 15, 2017
    St. Paul, MN
    I'm honestly not sure. I was completely speculating. Again, I don't work for the brokerage in question, so I have no specific idea why @86scotty was denied over Progressive. I can only guess at the rationale.

    It's not that they're financials are bad, or that they're necessarily a bad insurance company. But very frequently, I've seen them drag the claims process out. I've watched people lose customers over it, and have #### near lost customers over it with them. Without going into specifics, at my last company, when I first started, they were into year one of a two year long battle with Progressive over a claims issue.
  7. El Hueso

    El Hueso Light Load Member

    Dec 29, 2024
    El Paso. Tejas
    They aren't in business to hand money to people. They are in the business of increasing the value of their stock
    hope not dumb twucker Thanks this.
  8. 86scotty

    86scotty Road Train Member

    Aug 27, 2017
    And "better" insurance companies aren't?
  9. Stringb8n

    Stringb8n Road Train Member

    Sep 27, 2015
    My uncle has been told the same kind of stuff. His insurance was with Progressive. Some loads he couldn't even haul because of having that insurance. I think Progressive supplements their losses insuring a crap ton of bad drivers with state minimum policies by bending truckers over and really cramming it in there.
  10. El Hueso

    El Hueso Light Load Member

    Dec 29, 2024
    El Paso. Tejas
    If you want to read sometime or get bored, look into G Edward Liddy. He ran Allstate for about ten years. He started a policy that profiled claimants and they decided a group of people would not fight. They basically told them to pack sand, they were not paying the claim. Especially car crashes and home fires. Based on income, education level etc they were fairly certain these people would not fight claims that were under about 20 grand and just go away. They made billions doing this. A lot of other companies did/do this to a lesser extent but Allstate had software that helped them do this. They were the pioneers of this stuff. Internal manuals and communications got out in the 90s and lawyers got a hold of it.
    FloridaRetired and PPNLE Thank this.
  11. PPNLE

    PPNLE Road Train Member

    Jun 15, 2017
    St. Paul, MN
    Edward M. Liddy, for those, who like myself were on the first cup of coffee and confused if El Hueso was calling G. Gordon Liddy the Allstate guy.
    FullMetalJacket Thanks this.
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