FCC--Fremont Contract Carriers

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by runningman0661, Jun 16, 2017.

  1. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    I think the hardest part would have been, replacing it in sub-zero wind chill temps.
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  3. DonRobbie

    DonRobbie Heavy Load Member

    Nov 26, 2005
    It makes smashing a finger extra special
  4. DonRobbie

    DonRobbie Heavy Load Member

    Nov 26, 2005
    Sitting in a dock in Calhoun, Georgia. Been here a bit over 4 hours and in a door for a couple of hours. Heading to Topeka so at least I’ll be out of the South for a little while. Was supposed to pick up yesterday but they wanted me to look at a red tag trailer in Cullman, got it going but had to hit a shop to get a couple hubcap gaskets replaced and a look over on a leaking wheel seal (Breakdown wanted to wait and get that fixed in our shop since it wasn’t quite bad enough yet to be an emergency). By the time that was done I wasn’t going to make it before the shipper in Calhoun closed.
  5. ncmickey

    ncmickey Road Train Member

    Jun 21, 2013
    Durham NC
    That’s not nice… ;-)
  6. cdavis188

    cdavis188 Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2021
    Salina, KS
    Doctor said i’m gonna live and i have a new 2 year card. Dispatch has me going out to Four Oaks. Haven’t been out there in a hot minute so i’m looking forward to it.

    Talked to Shane and my truck should finally be out of the shop sometime this week. Fremont will check it out to make sure everything is okay and if it is, I should move back into it next week.

    I also have some great news. Mike in recruiting has been back to work since Monday. I welcomed him back and he told me that some days are still a bit of a struggle but he’s doing a lot better
    dwells40, DonRobbie, IH9300SBA and 6 others Thank this.
  7. zodiacflyer

    zodiacflyer Heavy Load Member

    Aug 25, 2014
    It would be hard enough in the Summer... but I have never had a starter, or a fuel pump fail in anything other than bad weather. And with a fuel pump, it's always right after I put gas in it.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2025
  8. zodiacflyer

    zodiacflyer Heavy Load Member

    Aug 25, 2014
    I had a door on the Sliver Buick blow shut in the Walmart parking lot in Council Bluffs the other day, while I was putting my stuff in the back seat. It was -4 with a 25mph N wind at the time. It latched closed on the tip of my right pinky. I made a couple of mad fat kid noises, opened the door, and cussed a bit more. It's a little bruised now, but at least I can't feel my pulse in it anymore. I rolled over and hit my hand on something that night in the sleeper. Cue more angry fat kid noises...
  9. Iceman72475

    Iceman72475 Light Load Member

    Oct 2, 2012
    Thank you.
  10. IH9300SBA

    IH9300SBA Road Train Member

    Feb 26, 2021
    I enjoy watching this channel, he is super sharp on drivability issues, and has a sense of humor as well. Upstate NY, salt, rust....can't imagine. https://youtube.com/shorts/BWGHKj-oJFU?si=CPFVhpx_H7EJptS6
    Knucklehead Thanks this.
  11. Pigdude

    Pigdude Light Load Member

    Oct 8, 2021
    Y’all got room for me in here? I’ll be joining FCC Midwest regional in a week or so.
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