FCC--Fremont Contract Carriers

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by runningman0661, Jun 16, 2017.

  1. Michael1771

    Michael1771 Light Load Member

    Aug 23, 2021
    Who are the best dispachers over there is what I wanna know or are they all equal sounds like everyone is getting the miles they need. Sounds like a great company I'm looking forward to working there to be honest. I think I have made my decision to come on board after chatting with you guys I feel much better about it for sure
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  3. RebelChick

    RebelChick Road Train Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    Coastal VA
    @BeHereNow97 no, I am not, nor have I ever been employed by FCC. I just know a lot of these rowdy folks from when they worked where I do! At least they had enough sense to leave and go somewhere else.
  4. MidWest_MacDaddy

    MidWest_MacDaddy Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    South Carolina
    Ok, guess I’ll missing something, again.

    As mentioned a few times before, both here and in DM, the “policy” is 7/1

    Is there another way to say it?
  5. MidWest_MacDaddy

    MidWest_MacDaddy Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    South Carolina
    Déjà vu all over again… Lol

    I’ll gladly answer your question the same way I did the last time you asked it on Monday @ 2:47PM … :)

    “I haven’t heard a bad word about any of the DMs or the Planners so I guess they are all the best.”

    In fact, that’s one of the things that stood out here for me was that no one seems to complain about their DMs and Planners. (I mean seriously, this is Trucking! If we can’t biotch about our DMs & Planners, what are we going to do, right?)

    Does that mean it always goes smoothly and without a hitch? No, but I think we all know the fine folks back in the Office are doing everything they can to keep us moving and when things go sideways, we certainly can be flexible and adjust as needed.

    If you come on board, you will have a whole team working together to support you.
  6. BM 58

    BM 58 Road Train Member

    Jun 25, 2019
    Ask a 100 questions and probably still go to work at Swift.
  7. M22 rockcrusher

    M22 rockcrusher Road Train Member

    Nov 21, 2020
  8. BigR

    BigR Road Train Member

    Dec 28, 2008
    Shawnee, OK
    Hey Midwest, one more bit of advice on the 8-2/7-3 split, it does not extend your 14, only pauses it. Example, a couple of days ago I had a very busy day, 690 + miles with 4 drop and hooks. I wanted to make it to the fourth one that day to pick it up because it was Tuesday and I wanted the deadhead miles on this check. I got held up at a couple of them and really burned up my clock. As I was on my way to deliver the third one I only had a 19 minute difference between my 14-hour clock and my 11. I needed a shower and knew I probably wouldn't be parking anywhere that evening where I could get one. So I took a two-hour break had lunch and grab the shower. That paused my 14-hour clock so that when I started driving it was exactly as it was before 19 minutes ahead of my 11. Just didn't want you to think that it extended your 14-hour clock and end up getting yourself in trouble
  9. Michael1771

    Michael1771 Light Load Member

    Aug 23, 2021
    Good to hear Midwest . Ok got it 1 day for every ,7 worked is the policy I just like to know what I'm getting into. This is a solid company for sure with the 80 percent drop and hook. One more thing after you get a load out if the yard is it kinda out and back to the yard it kinda sounds that way if they want you to come in roughly every 2 weeks or so to the shop? There are 2 shops I assume in council bluffs and Fremont to take care of this?
  10. BigR

    BigR Road Train Member

    Dec 28, 2008
    Shawnee, OK
    No, it is not out and back to the yard. It is out and back to the Nebraska area usually within a couple hours of the yard and then they can bounce you to one of the Yards for a p.m. if need be. Yes there are two shops Fremont and Council Bluffs
    MidWest_MacDaddy and Michael1771 Thank this.
  11. BM 58

    BM 58 Road Train Member

    Jun 25, 2019
    Does FCC use rubber tires and if you pass orientation do you get a trophy? LOL
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