Hey guys this is a long shot, but has anyone heard of these guys? Anyone know what the pay is for a residential driver? Its kind of a small local company, but maybe I will get lucky, and someone will have info on them. Interested in starting pay for a residential driver? Thanks for any help.
FCI-Freehold cartage inc?
Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by wastetrucks, Jul 31, 2012.
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I know them guys from when I ran waste in nerdy just don't know nothing about residential waste drivers. There tanker drivers always seemed happy with how they were doing.
Whew Winkjr you set my mind at some ease, thank you. I'm hoping for 17/18 an hour. I mean it is tough, hard, dirty work plus all the Waste companies start at 18/19 an hour around here.
Do those guys throw garbage up there or do they have the lifts. Down in south jersey our city trucks have those lifts where the truck pulls up. Another thing I know about FCI from there tanker guys is that there equipment might be old bu they keep it in top notch running order.
I believe the have the bucket on the front and that lifts the garbage into the truck. They are called front loaders I think. Not as much heavy lifting as there once was. I think the garbage trucks might be newer and in very good condition.
Yeah that's how our township does it in south jersey here the guy doesn't even get out of the truck anymore.
FCI is far from a "small local company". They are one of the top hazardous waste transport companies in the country. I don't have a clue how their "Residential Waste" pays, but being a New Jersey based company, I would imagine there are union wages involved.
The haz-waste transport side pays decent. The guys I knew a couple (5) years ago were all happy with their income and their benefits. -
Thank you Gorgeous George, yeah its not small, I should not have said that. What i meant is the Garbage side in comparison to WM or Republic services is smaller. Thanks again for the info.
Well its not great, but you be the judge. Its 650 a week salary, not by the hour, plus its 5 days and a half day on Saturday. Not great terms, but its a paycheck.
i had a long c.b. conversation w/a otr haz/mat van driver a few months back and called the recruiter to see what he had to offer.i was impressed.good pay,home most wkends,and take the trk home and treat it like your own.the only way i would ever drive a company trk again.the driver was very happy w/his job /pay.they have a yard in pittston pa too.
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