FedEx Custom Critical Tractor Trailer Reefer in pay

Discussion in 'Expediter and Hot Shot Trucking Forum' started by Otr Traveler, Jun 14, 2024.

  1. Otr Traveler

    Otr Traveler Light Load Member

    Nov 19, 2020
    Does anyone on this forum run for FedEx Custom Critical pulling a reefer with pharmaceuticals make good money right now? How often do you have to go to Canada and is it forced on you to cross the border??

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  3. TA1199

    TA1199 Light Load Member

    Sep 12, 2015
    Staten Island, NY
    Those loads in general pay well when they are shipping them. They are like anything else in the expedited industry. Wait, wait, wait, and then run like your hair is on fire.
    I'm not sure about Canadian loads. They may cross-dock them at the Montreal border.
    Otr Traveler Thanks this.
  4. Otr Traveler

    Otr Traveler Light Load Member

    Nov 19, 2020
    I definitely have no interest in going to Canada in a commercial for hire vehicle...too much of an headache.. stateside only for me...
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