Female CR England Student Seeking Female Team Partner

Discussion in 'CR England' started by michelle34, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. JustinWaterboro

    JustinWaterboro Light Load Member

    Oct 26, 2010
    Porter, ME
    the best advice is that no matter what someone tells you, you should always get it in writing and make sure it clearly states everything...if it's not in writing it basically is your word against their word!!!
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  3. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    Your license is currently suspended or was suspended for some period of time 2 years ago?

    Honestly, the recruiters just want to get you to the school. That's where everything is sorted out, medical, drug test, background check, driving record and employment history ... it is more or less the same with all big trucking companies. All the checks are done/completed at school/orientation. Recuiters don't have the authority nor the where with all to make the decision vis-a-vis your background.

    Sounds like a crappy process to bus you all the way to a location, only to bus you back home again. But it actually makes business sense. If they did the checks before, the companies would be spending serious dollars on every wannabe who may not actually make a commitment.

    By getting on that bus the company knows you are making a commitment to them.

    With your driving record if they boot you it will be in the first couple of days and you will owe nothing for the school. They actually hire you before you take the test for CDL at the end of school. Afterword as an employee/trainie you will go out with a trainer.
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