Sticks and stones can break your bones
But words should never hurt you.
Here on the internet we're all just hieroglyphics on a contrasting background Kevin. If what's bein' said isn't true it doesn't pertain to you. I think your label of "witch hunt" is an over exaggeration.
Prior to J.B. Hunt and Schneider, Red Ball was the center of the jokes.
I disagree.
I can only speak for myself, but I harbor no resentment for anyone due to who they drive for. My beef is with C.R. England, the company, not their drivers.Again I disagree, and again I speak for myself when I say I've accepted and welcomed to these forums those who drive for C.R.E. The exception to the rule is if someone is obviously providing false information. Those of us who habitually haunt this website are sticklers for accuracy and truth from posters.
If it's a fact, ...... say so.
If it's your opinion, ....... say so.
If it's a rumor you've heard, ....... say so.
What difference(s) is/are there between a company driver and driving for a small fleet? I assume you're dispatched the same as a company driver and are required to go by company rules. Is the pay different than a company driver?How is C.R.E. "one of the best companies to pull for" if you're an O/O? Do you come to that conclusion from personal experience, or is that what you've heard from someone else? Are you familiar with other Big truck truckin' companies contracts and working conditions?
Absolutely NOT true!
If you have answers why not share them with everybody? By requesting a PM you're depriving many others of answers they may be seeking.
I've been around here for a few years now and observed how the Moderators handle situations that arise. I'd be AfterShocked if they allowed ANYone to "crucify" ANYbody for ANY reason. They'd be warned and banned if necessary to prevent such things.
There are currently several active posters who drive for C.R. England who provide an inside view of C.R.E. Are you suggesting that they aren't telling the "real truth good or bad" about the company?
I wonder if any of them feel that we're crucifying them, right-side up or up-side down?
Can you explain the disproportionately large number of negative comments concerning C.R. England, and how similar their complaints are, --- year after year?
If you are, in fact, content at C.R.E., you're who I want to converse with. My ultimate goal is to obtain the truth, nothing else matters. If you know the truth about C.R.E. please, ....... do tell.
I'm just tryin' to ascertain what it takes to be successful at C.R. England so I can pass the information on to those thinkin' 'bout applying there.
Success stories make my day.
It's twue!
It's twue!![]()
First day with CR england
Discussion in 'CR England' started by jls1024, Nov 17, 2008.
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AfterShock and Trints70 Thank this.
It cool, I am just finding it comical that 95 percent of everyone in this place who mentions CRE's name has in fact never driven for them.
Its annoying to say the leastLast edited: Jan 2, 2012
AfterShock and tm2002 Thank this. -
I am content with CRE, but I can tell you that there is a very strong likelihood that I will leave in 6 months and the reason is that CRE is just a starter company. THe pay simply isn't there. If you can get in as an O/O that seems to be different but as a company driver you will not make enough. There are too many other companies that pay more.
All I read about CRE, the school, the treatment, etc. thus far hasn't panned out. They have actually been pretty good to me knock on wood.tm2002 and AfterShock Thank this. -
90 cpm on loaded HHG miles and 80 cpm on empty is not anywhere near good money for an O/O.
hrtbr8kr Thanks this. -
If 95 out of 100 people who are assigned the same task fail, what conclusion would you come to?
If those who fail did so due to deception, what conclusion would you come to?
If the complaints of those who fail follow a central theme without them comparing notes, what conclusion would you come to?
Apparently you're not experiencing the same things that the majority who post here are complaining about. That puts you in the minority. What intrigues me is why, what seems to be, such a vast majority don't survive the C.R.E. experience. What determines who makes it and who doesn't?
Over the years there have been many wannaBees who informed us that they had decided to sign on with the Sons-0-Chester for various reasons who only wanted to hear what they wanted to hear and tended to disregard what they didn't want to hear.
When we informed them what they would likely encounter, we were told we were just mean-spirited old wash-outs with negative attitudes only wanting to cause trouble 'cause we couldn't make it as Big truck truck drivers.
They, on the other hand, have a positive attitude and are willin' to do whatever it takes to impress the Sons-0-Chester.
"Just wait 'n see", one in particular told me.
Billy was a taxi driver in New York City, and wanted a taste of the open highway. Can't fault him there.
Someone he knew, who never actually drove for C.R.E., thought C.R. England would be a good place to start his new career. I, and others, disagreed, --- and told them why.
But Billy refused to believe what we described was likely gonna happen to him, convinced that his positive attitude would impress the powers that be C.R.E.
I was put on "Ignore" when he asked what he should bring with him to Salt Lick City, ....... and I recommended he be sure to purchase a 2-way ticket, --- one way there and one way back home.
As it turned out for Billy, things happened as those of us who warned him told him was highly likely. That information came from former and present C.R.E. drivers as well as those who never drove a mile for that company.
Go figure.
Actually Billy was treated even worse than anticipated as he was kicked to the curb, --- taken by shuttle to a lonely area and dropped off at a phone booth, --- at night, in snowy weather, --- all in less than one week.
Imagine that.
Billy was a stand-up guy though.
He returned here to apologize and to warn others. He even thanked me for my suggestion of a 2-way ticket. He did take my advice, and we were both glad that he did.
Others who ignored our warnings and wrote us off as having negative attitudes and promised to prove us wrong, --- packed off to orientation, ------- never to be heard from again.
Where'd they go?!
Wanna know what I think?
I think they learned the hard way that we were correct and they were too embarrassed to tell us, ............... what we already knew. Just knowin' how badly they wanted tell us, "I told you so", and wouldn't hesitate to rub it in, tells a story in itself. Why do you suppose they didn't?
When 95% of the posts are negative and of the remaining 5%, we hear, from some, that the complaints are all bogus and those complaining had "poor work ethics", sends up a red flare. It seems that some conclude that if they haven't experienced the horrors others describe, it ain't happinin' to anyone.
Of course, when invited to do a little readin' and research to determine how accurate the complaints are, they decline.
I reckon facts confuse 'em.
As I've mentioned before, I hold no ill will toward anyone based on what company they drive for, including C.R. England. If they're happy I sincerely hope that things continue that way.
What I find "annoying" is when someone claims to be a current C.R.E. driver and brushes all the complaints under the rug assuring the wannaBees that they haven't experienced anything of the sort so therefore it isn't happening.
Those with Big truck truckin' experience recognize ringers.
WannaBees don't.
That's why we're here.
I, Shakey AfterShock, in no way, shape or form, accuse you, Kevin, of bein' a ringer for the Sons-0-Chester.
Quite the contrary.
I find your posts interesting and enjoy conversing with you.
I hope the conversations will continue.
tm2002 Thanks this. -
We can continue to post, I don't take things personal.
When dealing with England I think that really we have to divide it up, those who are lease operators and those who aren't. Then you will find that there is actually a content crowd on the non lease side of things.
On the lease side of things, it's bad and your going to find 90 percent of the complaints. People just don't realize what they are getting themselves into and it's a lose lose proposition. If you don't team up, or become a trainer to keep that truck rolling, your not going to be successful. There are plenty of posts on lease operators in this forum though so I don't think we really need to delve into that.
On the owner operator side of things, there is a guy I know and am riding with that played his cards right. He was losing as a lease operator, but he and his former phase 1 trainer buddied up and teamed up and kept his truck moving. they had become good friends. Once the 6 month demo lease was up, England has a clause that they will outright sell anyone a truck with no credit check if they successfully completed a lease. (Actually Horizon sales and leasing).
He financed his Cascadia and they kept it moving and less than a year it was paid off. Then his buddy split off and did the same thing, they both started training students to keep their 2 trucks rolling. Now they are business partners and small fleet owners.
Once you get to this point, and anyone can if they keep some wits about them, you can make some serious money. Because of all the bad about England (and believe me I am not a fan boy they have their problems) when it's all said and done CRE moves some serious freight and can keep an O/O moving year round, even in the winter.AfterShock Thanks this. -
And 80 cpm empty, paid on short miles, pulling heavy loads. -
I came to the internet looking for information on trucking companies and the first forum that I found was called "the trucking truth" by a guy who is a self proclaimed super trucker with a whole FIFTEEN YEARS OF TRUCKING... AND he does not allow ANY COMPLAINING ABOUT COMPANIES; HE WILL DELETE YOUR SIGNING because you are NEGATIVE --->>> TOTALLY USELESS... I have not been there in months. Whatever!
This forum is PRICELESS AND companies and people can either choose to either IGNORE what is being posted here or look into it -- it's a free country; and you get to experience the consequences for your actions. Companies that ignore their problems slowly BUT SURELY GO BROKE -- CITIBANK, PAN AM, GOLDMAN SACHS, GENERAL MOTORS, JAGUAR, ARROW, ENRON, ATARI...these were all considered INVINCIBLE -- THE list goes ON AND ON...
So, I, even though I have never been inside of a truck (except that time I pretended I was buying a Peter -- with an apartment and a shower in it!!!) have been forming an opinion about companies -- not a good one about CR ENGLAND.
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