Florida Truckers - Who Do You Work For?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by JWknight, May 22, 2011.

  1. Round2

    Round2 Light Load Member

    Feb 14, 2012
    Swift has a dedicated fleet for WalMart out of Ocalla (if I spelled that right?)
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  3. 123456

    123456 Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2010
    Spelt floriduh, isn't it ??

  4. Trashtrucker1265

    Trashtrucker1265 Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Inverness, Fl
    I have a friend over at D. Mosley Trucking in Starke who's been there 2 years now, says they're really needing flatbed guys for the southeast, good hometime, new trucks, good pay and from what he says in certain situations willing to train someone with driving experience, just no flatbed experience.

    He's a straight shooter too so he's not sugarcoating anything, they've got adds on CL recruiting pretty heavy, might be worth a call for anyone who's interested. Atleast 2 years driving experience I believe.
    The Challenger Thanks this.
  5. Bumpnrun

    Bumpnrun Light Load Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    Petoskey, Mi
    I have absolutely nothing positive to say about Swifts Ocala terminal. I lost my $600 a month mortgage house working there. And when you question your miles be prepared for your DM to sputter "but but my stats are awesome..." I didn't give 2 ##### about his stats - I wanted RESULTS...
  6. poorboy126

    poorboy126 Light Load Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    Southwest Florida
    Swift moved in and took over all the other Walmart DC's in FLORIDA(for those that can't spell:). They cut Greatwides throat and got it all, I see a ton of brand new volvo daycabs and little sleepers pullin wally crap all over down here and even swift o/o's. You want to make real money down here you have to get in with one of the grocery fleets(publix,sweetbay,associated grocers,unfi etc) or a big ltl company(ups,fedex,saia,southeastern) or haul fuel outta Miami, Tampa or Jax.
  7. The Challenger

    The Challenger Kinghunter

    Dec 22, 2007
    East Central FL
    Walmart dedicated is not out of Ocala. It is out of the Walmart DC's which are located in Winterhaven, Arcadia and McClenny. The majority of the drivers who drove for Greatwide, do drive as o/o for Swift. I have even seen a couple of l/o's pulling Walmart trailers.

  8. mitchtazz

    mitchtazz Road Train Member

    Sep 6, 2009
    Lake Wales, Fl
    don't forget Brooksville, and Ft. Pierce. I'm pretty sure i've dropped a load at every WalMart DC in Florida.. I think the other poster was a little confused. If you drive a Swift truck and are on WalMart Dedicated, you belong to Swift but are dispatched by WalMart, so the truck stays at the WalMart DC.
  9. poorboy126

    poorboy126 Light Load Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    Southwest Florida
    So most of the Greatwide guys leased on with swift and got to keep their Walmart runs? I see a lot of daycab's, wouldn't those be swift company trucks? I don't think nearly as many Greatwide guys as you think came over to Swift, just sayin'.
  10. The Challenger

    The Challenger Kinghunter

    Dec 22, 2007
    East Central FL

    I have yet to see a dry van to be pulled by a Swift truck. I am pretty sure the contract Swift got was for the grocery DC's.

  11. mitchtazz

    mitchtazz Road Train Member

    Sep 6, 2009
    Lake Wales, Fl
    Donno about that statement. If you're refering to Swift's fleet, i'm pretty sure over 80% of their trailer inventory is all dry van. I've seen a few flats, and a few temp controlled, but most are all dry.

    If you're talking about the WalMart dedicated then that's a whole different story. The drivers on the WalMart dedicated pretty much only pull WalMart trailers.. If you see two Swift trucks going into a WalMart DC and one is hooked to a WalMart trailer and the other a Swift trailer.. Chances are the driver hooked to the WalMart trailer is on the dedicated account, and the one hooked to the Swift trailer is just an outside carrier like Knight, Schnider, Pam, and who ever else does drop in hooks in there. Outside carriers bring them freight from the far reaches of the boondocks, or areas they dont have a driver that could bring it back as a back haul.
    The Challenger Thanks this.
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