Foodliner, Inc. - Dubuque, Ia.?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by lmccracken, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. driverjoe

    driverjoe Light Load Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    Good luck getting that yearly and quarterly bonus that's funny.
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  3. driverjoe

    driverjoe Light Load Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    Hey fellow Vet. Thanks for your service. How is Fliner treating you? Did u get a bonus?
  4. driverjoe

    driverjoe Light Load Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    Listen to this guy. I don't know how he stood this dirty bunch for 10 years. Man I gotta hand it to you. I started looking the same week I started. I'll never forget the old filthy smoked up truck they expected me to live in. I remember asking for a new mattress and was told no way no money for that so I threw it in the trash and slept on a sleeping bag. When I took the truck home to clean it my family couldnt believe I was even going to try. Cleaned for two days so it would be bearable. The very first day there before I had a truck they gave me a day cab to move a HOT load. Ended up being told just to make sure I got back to the terminal even if I had to log off the peoplenet as if I was bob tailing which I wasn't.
  5. SmoothShifter

    SmoothShifter Defender of the Driveline

    Sep 10, 2010
    Feura Bush, NY
    This is coming from a guy who openly admitted on here that he would bring his pet along with a clear policy against it in a different thread. Obviously, you can't wrap around things like food handling and HACCP guidelines. Complaining about a dirty truck and violating a pet policy is hypocritical, and maybe it's just time for you to stuff a sock in it.

    In all the time I have been there, I was never encouraged to do anything illegal with hours of service. If I was, I would have someones butt in a frying pan.

    On a psychological note, your incessant trolling and watching this thread demonstrates a good amount of butt-hurt as to why you are no longer with us. And for the record, it was 4 days total before I walked right back in the door and realized it wasn't such a bad job after all.
  6. driverjoe

    driverjoe Light Load Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    Hey HogBoy: Still pounding that drum for em Uh? FYI I took two dogs with me but I don't ever remember putting my hands in the product. Thanks for copying all my quotes it makes it easier for everyone to read about the dirty bunch at FLiner. Enjoy, remember treat your drivers well, see what happens when you don't. Be safe. Always JOE
  7. SmoothShifter

    SmoothShifter Defender of the Driveline

    Sep 10, 2010
    Feura Bush, NY
    I don't know where you come up with this conspiracy theory that everyone whom disagrees with you is HogBoy under multiple accounts. I've been at TTR for quite some time and my story is well known here. The only thing that makes me rebutt you is your feces slinging approach to a company who yes, has their flaws ..... but ..... has treated me as a person, not a seat warmer. My terminal manager and I have been toe to toe a few times, but we always work through it, and he's a good guy.

    Thanks to them, I have one righteous comeback story. Maybe they'll allow me to tell it someday.
    hogboy1996 Thanks this.
  8. hogboy1996

    hogboy1996 Bobtail Member

    Aug 2, 2010
    Hey driverjoe. I'm still out here, still standing up for what I believe in. It's unfortunate you had a really bad experience at Foodliner. But I don't think you can judge the single experience to the company as a whole. If every driver's experience was like yours we wouldn't have grown to 1200 drivers, we'd be out of business a long time ago. Right now, the company that has the drivers is the company that will still be here years down the road. I don't doubt you got a dirty truck, and it's entirely possible you were told you couldn't get a new mattress. We've definitely had an issue in the past with trucks being turned in dirty and turned back out again without being gone through and prepared for a new driver. It's been a focus point for us and have implemented new program that holds each manager personally accountable if a mistake like that is made again.

    Always a pleasure hearing from you, even if you make it a point to try and discredit Foodliner every time. You had a really bad experience with them, and i'm sorry that happened. Hope you've moved on to a great company and they're treating you well.
  9. driverjoe

    driverjoe Light Load Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    Yes I have found a home. A company that treats the driver with respect. Here you do your job safely, they don't micromanage and all is well. Top pay and benefits. Yup I will never forget the horrible year I spent at Foodliner. It's always a good topic for conversation. Hurting their recruiting efforts even slightly makes me feel good especially when I may be preventing some other driver from wasting his/her time with them. i can easily look up the turnover rate at Foodliner but contrary to what you may think, I just come here for a good chuckle now and again and really could care less what happens to that company. Companies are scrambling for drivers these days and Im sure my experience there was not an isolated on. So thanks for reading my post and caring what I have to say about that place. You know I'm not making it up and I really hope for the drivers there that conditions have improved. Who knows, maybe I played a part in that. Safe travels. Joe
  10. solo trucker

    solo trucker Bobtail Member

    Apr 15, 2013
    Durand IL
    I for one have shopped 2 companies and haven't found a better deal than foodliner, sorry you had a bad experience.
    RookieJ1987 Thanks this.
  11. solo trucker

    solo trucker Bobtail Member

    Apr 15, 2013
    Durand IL
    I get my bonus every quarter so far, unless I did something to screw it up.
    RookieJ1987 Thanks this.
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