Foodliner, Inc. - Dubuque, Ia.?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by lmccracken, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. Uonlyliveonce

    Uonlyliveonce Bobtail Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    I've never lost a bonus unless I screwed up. As long as you communicate with dispatch, your terminal manager, etc. They've been very fair with me. I'm out of the Newark, DE terminal. The manager there is a former driver, owner operator and is the best I've ever worked for. We've butted heads, but he takes care of drivers. He's answered his phone at midnight on Saturday to help me with things dispatch couldnt.
    It's like any other job. Ups and downs. I have been around. Foodliner is a good company to work for. Just show up, do your job, communicate with dispatch and you'll be rewarded better than most other companies. I guess location is a factor. I've been from FL to the Canadian border to Texas at the Mexican border. I like to drive. I've helped terminals that were really busy. Most of the managers are good people. For a big company, a lot of people in corporate know me by name. Home terminal is Family. ( I get mad and cuss a lot. Thats why they know me in Dabuque. I'd fire myself sometimes! Lol) Seriously a good company, just gotta be honest and do the job you're paid to do.
    hogboy1996 Thanks this.
  2. Truthseeker101

    Truthseeker101 Bobtail Member

    Nov 15, 2018
    I start Foodliner soon. I was hoping to message you for some insight? Would be great if so.
  3. Truthseeker101

    Truthseeker101 Bobtail Member

    Nov 15, 2018
    Hey- I start Foodliner soon and was hoping to chat with you too- with questions pointers and advice.
  4. Truthseeker101

    Truthseeker101 Bobtail Member

    Nov 15, 2018

    Hey/ how has Foodliner treated you since you joined ?
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