from company drivers to LLC/SCorp this year

Discussion in 'Trucker Taxes and Truck Financing' started by Nahbrown, Dec 26, 2024.

  1. Nahbrown

    Nahbrown Medium Load Member

    Sep 6, 2021
    Illinois (the sane part)
    First, let me say I’ve started this thread, and then deleted it a half a dozen times over the last week. So many people have offered us advice over the last few years and have said they were interested in our success and failures, and wanted to know how we did in the future. Then again, it really isn’t anybody else’s business, then again again, it may be helpful to drivers considering getting into government secured shipments, and whether the investment is worth the payout….. at the end of the day I decided I don’t care if people know our numbers and I think I’m a jerk for sharing.

    We actually didn’t start hauling until June with 31 weeks of the year left. We decided to buy a flatbed trailer and Eagle Tarp system so we could stop slinging tarps. We are leased on to a company that bids on Government loads that require monitoring and teams drivers with security clearances. Most loads are hazmat 1.1 to 1.4 but not all are placarded loads. The ops tempo is definitely different from being a company driver. Although there have been weeks that we were running load after load after load most weeks, we will deliver and sit for a few days before picking up our next load.

    1st year leased on, GOV/AA&E

    31 weeks, Worked 17, home 14. (Home a lot for reasons, 2025 should be better)

    Grossed $215,000 ,average $12600 per week we worked

    expenses- $150,000 (includes $80k new trailer/conestoga)

    Payroll $60,000

    We decided not to take a loan out for the trailer and take less pay this year.

    Any questions?
    silverspur, Stringb8n, Oxbow and 5 others Thank this.
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  3. Ironmyke

    Ironmyke Bobtail Member

    Jun 18, 2017
    @Nahbrown ,
    I reckon it’s a team operation. Gov/AAE is time sensitive. They have your exact coordinates monitored when under dispatch. What do you do if your truck breaks down while under a load? Also, is there an age restriction on the truck and trailer?
    Nahbrown Thanks this.
  4. Nahbrown

    Nahbrown Medium Load Member

    Sep 6, 2021
    Illinois (the sane part)
    Teams, yes.

    Time sensitive? Depends.

    If a truck broke down with a load another truck with a qualified team would be sent to “rescue” the load.

    Each company that bids on these loads has its own equipment standards. I have no idea what the GOV requirements are. Some require that your truck meets the California emissions requirements and honestly YOU want that too to not limit your options.
    TX2Day, Oxbow and Ironmyke Thank this.
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