From Day One - Abilene Motor Express (Richmond, Wytheville, VA)

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by ScooterDawg, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    Hey there trucker 3205

    The honest answer to that is "there's no answer". Typically, they assign trucks as they become available. Sometimes they have only one available truck on the yard... sometimes there are several to choose from. Generally, you get what they give you, but it never hurts to ask. Good luck
    trucker3205 Thanks this.
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  3. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    Hey y'all! Been kinda busy on the "personal" end of life. My Daddy ended up in the hospital. He had a stroke and then surgery, and is still in there. His admission date was Nov 20. then on Dec 2, my mama collapsed and also ended up in the hospital. So I have been hanging out in PA, taking care of mama (who has since been discharged) and then running her back and forth to the hospital to see Daddy. Things are moving forward though, and Daddy is finally on the upswing. So I am back at home now and heading out tomorrow.

    I am getting my next trainee tomorrow. His name is Steve and he's from Christiansburg, VA. Haven't met him yet, but he seems like a really nice guy. Going to be picking him up in Wytheville and then heading out. Film at 11

    Hope y'all are doing well and we'll talk to you soon

    Be safe

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    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
    JohnBoy, bigred81 and trucker3205 Thank this.
  4. bigred81

    bigred81 Medium Load Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Went through similar parental situation myself this year, brain surgery for one and heart surgery for the other, and they are in their 90's!
    On a business note, the spending bill about to be approved in Congress, there is a provision which eliminates the 34 restart and the half hour break rules.
  5. JohnBoy

    JohnBoy Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Lake Worth, FL.
    They've had the 34 hour reset and 30 minute break attached to every spending bill that has been put out the last few years, and each time it's been argued and haggled to the point of them leaving it as is. Leave it to our political and self serving politicians from both parties to complicate even the most simple things. I'm quite sure these two issues are going to be around a while.
    trucker3205 Thanks this.
  6. bigred81

    bigred81 Medium Load Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Probably correct, but Congress doesn't have long to argue on this one and there are several provisions which are bigger politically. Slashing the EPA budget for one!
  7. trucker3205

    trucker3205 Light Load Member

    Feb 2, 2013
    harrisonburg, va
    Just really want a Virginia based company
    I'm from Harrisonburg area and Abilene may be perfect. Love the monster green on the trucks too. Kinda like the Hulk lol.
  8. 5speed

    5speed Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    Im......back!!!! Green machine put a smile on your face. Time to make that money again. Hope everyone is doing well. Must be counting all that money since no one is replying to this thread.
  9. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    OK, so I guess I can make it public at this point.... I am officially off the road, and will be moving into the office at Richmond. I am going to be "driving" a desk and assuming the position of Fleet Manager. My understanding is that I am going to be "learning the system" and progressing from there. Starting Monday, I will be in the office. Going to be missing the road, but hopefully this new assignment will be just as exciting.
    bigred81 and wjejwan23 Thank this.
  10. gntorres61

    gntorres61 Road Train Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    Plymouth NC
    Good luck with the change, Dawg! You and Lisa still together?? If so, she will love the change. Best wishes.

  11. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    Hey there George!

    Yes, Lisa and I are still together. Things are going very well on that end.

    Thanks for the words of inspiration. Today was the first day and it was, to say the least, eye-opening. Still have a bunch to learn, but looking forward to more.

    Y'all be safe
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