From Day One - Abilene Motor Express (Richmond, Wytheville, VA)

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by ScooterDawg, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    Where exactly are you headed down in Florida? I have to drop a trailer at Publix in Sarasota in the morning. Not sure how that's going to work. Dispatch just said drop
    your trailer at the dock and we will bobtail you somewhere Monday to get a load. I am currently getting a 34 in Tampa doing laundry.
    Hope you enjoyed your home time and the visit with your parents. Be safe
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  3. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    I am dropping at Publix in Bradenton. Then my plans are the same as yours. Talked to Don today and he told me to give Nathan a holler tomorrow am. Just came off my 34 so I have a good compliment of hours. Should roll into Bradenton using 1.5 hrs. Sitting at the Love's in Polk City tonight

    Had a great time with Mom and Dad..... thanks.

    You be safe too.... See you somewhere.......
    Strykor and The Challenger Thank this.
  4. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    Things are going great!

    Nathan is keeping on top of my loads, and giving me some really good miles. Yesterday after unloading (dropping), he shot me up to Lakeland to grab a trailer and off to Atlanta to get loaded today (gave me lots of time to get it done, too). Now I am on my way to Allentown, PA for a delivery Thursday morning, then to a place just outside Syracuse NY to empty out on Friday morning.... then who knows.

    Tonight I am sitting in Blacksburg, SC. with lots of time to make it to my first delivery

    Really happy with Abilene. Bunches of miles. Quick reloads.

    So, yes..... if you are considering coming on board with Abilene, I would definately recommend them. Just remember, no matter where you go to work, it's all about attitude.
  5. The Challenger

    The Challenger Kinghunter

    Dec 22, 2007
    East Central FL
    Scooter Dog,

    If you ever get to the Space Coast area, please pm me as I would be honored to meet you. I see Abilene trucks here all the time.

  6. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC

    I would I would be tickled to death to meet you
    The Challenger Thanks this.
  7. The Challenger

    The Challenger Kinghunter

    Dec 22, 2007
    East Central FL
    Spoken like a true truck driver SD. Does Abilene still have 386's and Coronado's??

  8. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    No they have Volvos, Mack's and Cascadias. The majority are Volvos.
    The Challenger Thanks this.
  9. ThePikey

    ThePikey Light Load Member

    Feb 21, 2012
    Hampton Roads, VA
    I hear tell that Abilene trucks are all automatic. Any truth to that?

    I also hear that they are starting to look for drivers straight out of school.
  10. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    Not sure about that, but I can check into it. I do know that they have Driver Trainers, so I would think so.
    ThePikey Thanks this.
  11. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    OK, so from the sounds of it, I am headed back to Florida tomorrow (W Palm Beach and Boca) Ran out of Fulton, NY yesterday after delivering just south of Syracuse. Within 30 minutes of unloading, they had me dispatched. Then, when I delivered in NJ today, they deadheaded me back to Richmond to stage me for this load tomorrow. Getting paid for all miles, so its a good thing.

    Downside was that it poured down from just south of Binghamton, NY all the way through Philly. Hit Philly at 0830 and Wash DC at 1530. So yeah, did a lot of sitting and listening to the radio. On the positive side.... sure was glad to be driving an automatic. Considering I sat roughly 2 hours in traffic, it sure made it a lot more tolerable.

    6 days so far = 2911 miles. Should be between 3400 and 3500 miles by tomorrow night. And I don't have to deliver until Monday morning so it should be a pretty easy Sunday.

    It just keeps getting better and better
    Strykor Thanks this.
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