This past winter I was in Northfield,MN at the Big Steer TS. An obviously new and overwhelmed rookie driver pulls in and parks beside me, or more accurately slides in and comes to a stop near my say it was icy would be an understatement. Anyway, we get to talking about various small stuff, and we get around to how cold it is, and was supposed to be down around -10 that night. By the way, who's idea was it to put a negative side on a thermometer anyway? If it's THAT cold, I really don't need to know exactly how cold it is, just that it's frickin' cold.
Anyway, the topic comes up of putting fuel treatment into the tanks so you don't gel up in the middle of the night. As suspected, he had no idea what I was talking about. So I get a couple bottles out of my side box and show him, and explain what they are and what they do. These are little single shot bottles, one in eacg tank when you fill up, which is pretty much exactly how I explained it to him. Ooops, my mistake.
He walks back to his truck, and returns a few minutes later empty-handed.
I told him to keep one of the bottles, and then look for it at a truck stop so he could get some more for later, to which I got that deer-in-the-headlights stare.
Seems that he took my instructions to heart.....and put one bottle in each tank. Notice I didn't say he opened the bottles and poured them into the tank?
I think the gene pool needs some chlorine....
Fuel not to use....
Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by ssbowles, Sep 29, 2007.
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OMG, and I thought warnings labels were over the top, now I understand what market they are aimed at... except seems that that market doesnt read labels... Oh Oh...
Reminds me of a story from years ago about an ice storm in Georgia or northern Florida, it seems that salt was picked up at a farm supply store and was to be spread at 1 bag per 1/4 mile, you guessed it, they threw out a bag of salt every quarter mile, bag and all.
And to answer your question, yes some of them are. Although I wouldn't say "stupid"....let's call it "less experienced" shall we? If nothing else, it sounds nicer. -
We were out on FTX, and he was just bugging the ever living crap out of me. Finally I looked over at him and said.
You know, instead of running your yap. Why don't you go ask the Sgt for some batteries, for our chem lights?
Figured he would a just shut up, but he went and asked.
I heard our First Shirt yelling at him for about 30 mins. -
Less experience? I wish I could say that works ...but not opening the cap and throwing the bottle itself into the tank? Thats retarded. Stupid as it gets. I can't sugar coat that.
Anyhow, on another note...I always thought you were a young kid. I see in the upper right hand corner that you are 39.'re an adult. Also from the high desert of California. What if I told you I lived for a spell in Hesperia? Got family there. Maybe we could meet up sometime when we are both there? -
I didn't know you were a refuge from the desert...Hesperia, to beat all. And if you ever get through town, lemme know...I'd be honored to buy you a cup, and swap some stories.:smt023
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