gemini transport ( Loves tanker yanker) need info

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by jons1powerwagon, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. Terrible Driver

    Terrible Driver Bobtail Member

    Dec 1, 2012
    After reading the information here, I decided to apply for a position in Ripon, CA.

    just can't help but think my local driving experience is gonna hinder me lol anything from bakersfield to the bay area x_x
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  3. Radman

    Radman Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2011
    I think they can only guarantee 50k cause the rest is OT. Most companies do that plus they don't want ppl saying "you promised me this much" cause it varies.
  4. bigboy73

    bigboy73 Bobtail Member

    May 26, 2013
    lewisbrug, ohio
    From what I just read on this forum I have come to the conclusion to apply for a position at the Richmond, Indiana for Gemini. I have been working at FedEx Freight pulling double for the past 5.5 out of Dayton, Ohio. Burnt out with all the cut backs they are doing year after year. Now they putting more and more freight on the rail. I have decided that I want to pull a tanker instead and Gemini sounds like a good place to work. If anyone has any information that would be helpful with getting on with Gemini that will be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  5. CenutryClass

    CenutryClass Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2006
    i thought you dayton guys had it good, did you guys lose runs in the last coo?
  6. bigboy73

    bigboy73 Bobtail Member

    May 26, 2013
    lewisbrug, ohio
    Dayton didn't lose anything this go around. But this is phase 1 of 4. I have went backwards 7 times in last 5 years. Just tired of the lies and not knowing if I will have a job. I know ltl is economy based but with FedEx wanting to put everything on the rail because it cheaper and the constant tweaking of the lanes it is getting old.
  7. arh3208

    arh3208 Bobtail Member

    Mar 28, 2013
    Cheyenne, WY
    Well, based on everything I read here I applied for the position in Cheyenne, WY, which is where I want to relocate to. Got to do a skype interview, which I thought was nice so I didn't have to get time off to drive out there for an interview as its really tough for me to get away this time of year. Had a pretty good feeling after it was done, and the manager said he would call me by friday. Hopefully I get it so I can start the relocation process. Everything I read on here sounds better than most outfits I have applied with.
    darkon Thanks this.
  8. Jynxx

    Jynxx Medium Load Member

    Mar 16, 2011
    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    Hello arh3208! I'm on the team in Cheyenne Wyoming. I've been here for two years and love it. Shout at me and I can answer any questions you may have. It's a good team and we are never short on work. Especially during this time of the year. Just be ready to haul fuel in really bad weather because some of our runs are tricky in the winter time.
    arh3208 Thanks this.
  9. arh3208

    arh3208 Bobtail Member

    Mar 28, 2013
    Cheyenne, WY
    Thank you Jynxx. I went to college in Laramie, grew in Montrose, CO so I am no stranger to nasty weather and roads though I am out of practice on hanging irons. So far with just the guy who interviewed me I am pleased with the conveyed attitude in general the company seems to have.
    Jynxx Thanks this.
  10. spark678

    spark678 Bobtail Member

    Dec 31, 2013
    Tampa, FL
    I know this is old but is there anyone in the Florida area working for Gemini? Tampa Ocala area?
  11. ace 98

    ace 98 Bobtail Member

    Jun 12, 2007
    What are the physicals like? Ive been running from Dallas to Arkansas and back every day for the past 6 years and gotten pretty out of shape. Id be applying for either the Dallas or Caddo mills Tx location. thx
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