Getting a job on "Ice Road Truckers?"

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by Owner's Operator, Aug 13, 2008.

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  1. Owner's Operator

    Owner's Operator Medium Load Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    Chicago IL
    I was wondering how one can get a job on the Ice road truckers show? I want to roll with Hugh, Rick, Alex, Drew and the rest of those guys.
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  3. Wildkat

    Wildkat <strong>Arctic Mistress</strong>

    Feb 24, 2008
    Somewhere North of 60

    Then go to Hollywood...that show has ZERO basis in reality... I KNOW...I actually DRIVE on those roads EVERY year!


    If you want to know what it's REALLY like check my gallery pictures or my albums or the threads I have started....see if you have the gonads to do THAT everyday!
    TheJrodTest Thanks this.
  4. soon2betrucking

    soon2betrucking Road Train Member

    Sep 28, 2007
    Philadelphia, Pa
    so WildKat, are you saying that you an actual Ice Rd Trucker??
  5. Socy Grad

    Socy Grad Medium Load Member

    Wow Wildkat... Those pictures are crazy!
  6. chompi

    chompi Road Train Member

    Jun 21, 2008
    Deland, FL
    I checked out his picks. By the looks of it, he is indeed. quite impressive set up too! I cant imagine the squiggle and wiggle that he must get with that trk on the ice. It probably would have boosted the ratings if he were on the show instead of some of the other characters.
    GENXCHI Thanks this.
  7. Wildkat

    Wildkat <strong>Arctic Mistress</strong>

    Feb 24, 2008
    Somewhere North of 60
    As stated above...please READ post! SHEESH!

    Thank you Socy Grad

    and Chompi... I am a SHE, not a he! LOL
    GENXCHI Thanks this.
  8. Socy Grad

    Socy Grad Medium Load Member

    You know, the gonads reference threw me off.. until I looked it up. Never knew that gonads could refer to male or female organs.

    Thanks for enlightening me (again) kat! :biggrin_2559:
    GENXCHI Thanks this.
  9. Wildkat

    Wildkat <strong>Arctic Mistress</strong>

    Feb 24, 2008
    Somewhere North of 60
    LMAO Socy Grad! :biggrin_25525::biggrin_25525: I normally do use it as a male reference...comes from working pretty much exclusively with men for 30 years, and since I am one of probably 3 women who works in the Arctic it kind of comes with the territory!

    And when I refer to myself in a comparison kind of way I usually state that only difference between "them" & "me" is that my "bumps" are in my shirt instead of my pants!!!

    BTW I noticed your signature...If you'd like some REAL info on trucking in the FAR North let me know...but I am terrible at talking about myself, so have a mitt full of questions & I'll be happy to answer them if I can!
    cmw1967 Thanks this.
  10. Wildkat

    Wildkat <strong>Arctic Mistress</strong>

    Feb 24, 2008
    Somewhere North of 60
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
    Cybergal Thanks this.
  11. Lurchgs

    Lurchgs Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2008
    Denver, CO
    the more I see of that,the more I wanna do it. But then, I'm not entirely sane
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