Glider trucks

Discussion in 'Peterbilt Forum' started by CZR, Jul 25, 2024.

  1. CZR

    CZR Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2024
    Hey everyone,

    Looking to get some opinions on gliders. I'm not very familiar with them. What are the Pros/cons? What are the engine/emissions rules? What to look for.
    Appreciate the help. Thanks.
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  3. Sons Hero

    Sons Hero Road Train Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    Look for a Peterbilt 389, a Kenworth W900L, or a Freightliner Coronado. NOT A COLUMBIA. You will want a CAT 3406, B or E, (because those are the 2 I am most familiar with) Series 60 Detroit, or N14 RedTop Cummins. Pros: NO EMISSIONS that will derate you out in the dinghyweeds at 0200! Engine must be pre 2000 year if you want to run paper logs (which I do, and highly recommend). If paper logs aren’t in the equation for you, a CAT 6NZ would be a great option. You will not be able to run into California. Which is also a good thing. Some guys will wail about bad fuel economy, believe me more of that is the gear ratio and the drivers foot than the engine. Only con I can think of is the fact that some dealers will refuse to touch a glider.
    Deere hunter, Oxbow, W923 and 3 others Thank this.
  4. Arctic_fox

    Arctic_fox Experienced mx13 execrator

    Sep 16, 2016
    Depends on who you ask. But sons covered most of it. Skip any of the plastic gliders if you can. They arent bad persay but they like most fleet style trucks arent as well built as a rule. Not a hard rule but there is a reason you dont often see old mega fleet specials running around and most end up scrapped while the O/O and small carrier style trucks stick around.

    Next older engines cost a bit more to maintain but are much cheaper to maintain insofar as that any pre emissions engine can USUALLY be limped into a dealer if the idiot light of wallet pain comes on. An emissions engine throws a code, welp your most likely waiting on a wrecker. And god help your wallet it your in nowhere kansas or something at the time. Or wyoming. Heh 10-80k wrecker bills sre not unheard of. And sometimes an engine rebuilt is cheaper then a tow so long as it makes it to a shop.

    The general day to day maintaince is much easier and parts are bloody everywhere especially used. So if you need the truck up NOW and cant wait on new. Pop a used one in for a week or two then change it to new asap and keep the wheels rolling. Also you dont need a $20K+ a year davie 4 (yes im still salty....sue me) just to do many basic repairs.

    Paperlogs are just better, if you know, you know. I cant and wont advocate you cheat your logs if anyone wishes to imply that its illegal as #### and you would be dumb to fake them. But paper is a much more flexable tool. Again if you know, you know.

    Gliders also tend to hold their resale value much better. So if you decide to tap out you can likely get a decent percentage od your investment back.
    Deere hunter, W923, Luwi67 and 3 others Thank this.
  5. W923

    W923 Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2022
    Can’t really think of any negatives other than depending on who built it there may or may not be some engineering that only they can make sense of.
    If you’re the mechanically inclined type this is probably not that big of deal because with some time and patience you can work through it. If you have to pay someone it’s going to get rough.
    Full mechanical engines will be less likely to let you sit for some stupid reason than any form of computer engine. For the most part the first generation computer engines are pretty easy to fool for the purpose of making it home.
    3406b/c will probably be best if you want mechanical. Cummins seems to be thinking about forgetting they ever made a mechanical engine and despite what people say I haven’t found the difference in parts prices to be very significant. Cat also seems to have a better and more reliable parts network….at least around here. Hood trucks are generally easier to work on and plastic trucks are fragile. 60 series Detroit will almost undoubtedly get the best mileage although the driver can make or break the mpg more than any other factor
    Deere hunter, CZR, Oxbow and 3 others Thank this.
  6. CZR

    CZR Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2024
    Thanks for the replies, much appreciated.
  7. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    I'd check the VIN and verify it is a legit glider and not something someone dropped an old engine into. Technically not supposed to do that but it happens. Might be something important to you or it might not be, just putting it out there.
    CZR and Deere hunter Thank this.
  8. CZR

    CZR Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2024
    Is there something specific to look for or is it something you have to have checked out? Thanks.
  9. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    Usually there's a specific character used in the VIN for a truck that was ordered as a glider. I'm not sure how each individual manufacturer does it.
    CZR Thanks this.
  10. nikmirbre

    nikmirbre Road Train Member

    Jul 27, 2011
    High Point NC
    I know legit Paccar gliders have GGGG in the middle of the vin.

    I was going to get a Freightliner Columbia glider..... Im glad I went with a W900 glider with a 12.7. My plan is to find a 14 liter with no EGR, rebuild it and drop it in the KW.....
    CZR Thanks this.
  11. CZR

    CZR Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2024
    Good to know, thanks!
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