Gm dc vs grocery dc

Discussion in 'Wal-Mart' started by BlueDotFollower, Dec 8, 2024.

  1. BlueDotFollower

    BlueDotFollower Bobtail Member

    Dec 8, 2024
    If given the choice of a Grocery dc or a Gm dc, which would you prefer and why?
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  3. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    :laughing-guffaw::laughing1::laughing2::laughing3::laughing4::laughing5::laughing6::laughing7::laughing8::laughing9:,, that's all of them, I think, or hope you get the point. I think "GM" is an automotive warehouse? Grocery warehouses are, and always have been the worst of the worst to deliver to. They take a pallet off and you don't see them for 10 minutes. I was getting paid by the hour, the preferred method, so I didn't care how long it took. Explaining to my boss was a different matter. I hit them all, Certified, SuperValu, Roundys( the worst), Jewel, Dominicks, Schultz ( the best of the worst), Red Owl,,,oops, too far back, but any automotive warehouse, I never had a problem. I watched drivers pacing back and forth, yelling at the forklift drivers, and the forklift drivers get off on that. Stay away from grocery warehouses, timeless advice.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2024
    hope not dumb twucker Thanks this.
  4. IH Truck Guy

    IH Truck Guy Road Train Member

    Mar 2, 2008
  5. BlueDotFollower

    BlueDotFollower Bobtail Member

    Dec 8, 2024
    Sorry, i was looking for replys from WMPF, i live equal distance from two different DC, one is grocery and one is general merch. Bedford pa vs Woodland Pa?
  6. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Grocery is the future and it's where the money is at. Also where all the growth in the company is. Hardly anyone goes to stores to buy things anymore except for groceries.
  7. Treputt

    Treputt Medium Load Member

    Mar 15, 2013
    Sacramento, CA
    GM freight is almost always going to be drop and hook. So easier work and perhaps more miles. HVDC (grocery) is going to have more stops, more paid activities, and perhaps less miles. As far as money you'd earn, that depends on many factors, but in my experience HVDC can net you a higher paycheck but it's got more hassles than GM. So really it depends on what type of freight you primarily want to haul. And one final thought, being based out of a GM DC doesn't mean you won't haul grocery loads, and vice versa. All depends on the needs of the DC's in your area.
  8. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    With all due respect and to be fair the hassles doing of grocery freight at Walmart are, relatively speaking here, very insignificant and minor compared to what he's used to if he hauls reefer freight at any typical freight carrier. Walmart makes the job as easy as it could possibly be and their grocery work is the easiest piece of cake there is pulling reefers. Walmart drivers tend to lose sight of what it's really like out there in that other world driving trucks for somebody else.
  9. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    Oops, well, most of what I said could be salvaged. Grocery has long been the rectum of this business, reefer, like I did, even more so. I'd have to think GM is the same shmit, different shovel. If GM is anything like Sysco, I wouldn't do either. Heck, I bet some places still use small wood.
  10. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Not at Walmart it isn't and GM isn't either. None of what you said applies that's just disrespect typical in the reefer trucking business. Walmart is a retailer not a trucking company. People trip over themselves to apologize to us for a 5 minute wait most places we go. Everything is mostly set up to make things as smooth as possible for the drivers.
    hope not dumb twucker Thanks this.
  11. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    If you are talking to me, I can only go by what I experienced. Ever been to SuperValu Green Bay? Or how about Certified in Chicago? Walmart has a reputation to uphold, and I have been to efficient warehouses. Schultz in Sheboygan was good, Shannon in Appleton, Jewel was okay too, but most were a nightmare.
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