Even temps of +78 deg and slightly above can be uncomfortable if no ventilation is present---and when the windows are open to provide ventilation, during the day you may have to deal with flies, and at night, mosquitoes.
And, btw, adequate sleeping conditions is not just for comfort, but SAFETY! Non-refreshed, tired drivers are a common hazard on the road even if their logbooks show adequate sleeping down time..
Going Over the Road with Knight
Discussion in 'Knight' started by Misesian, May 23, 2014.
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You can't rely on fuel bonus as part of your income. They have their ways of insuring you won't receive it and bonuses in trucking are nothing more than a carrot dangled in front you. .02 cpm is only 50 bucks a week based on 2500 miles and you probably won't see those miles on a consistent basis. You will still be at a loss for your efforts to save Knight money. I would just idle their truck and let them pay for it.reefertank Thanks this. -
I plan on buying a small generator and a portable AC Better check with KNIGHT about their policy of carrying GASOLINE powered devices / containers in / on their trucks !
Last edited: Jul 21, 2014
bigmikectn Thanks this. -
I also should add, that 2 CPM bonus is taxed differently than your wages. So that best case scenario of an extra $50 bucks per week based on 2500 miles will net you about $30 bucks per week. Bonuses are a scam and all that should be relied on is your mileage pay.
FigNewton Thanks this. -
Some drivers are pretty loyal to their trucks but like Gabe said, if something major goes wrong each terminal usually has a minimum of 25 empty trucks to choose from. I have always set mine up the way I wanted them and just waited out repairs. Many issues you can limp home with and get them fixed while you're at home.
I know where you're coming from in wanting to save the company money, save the environment, and make more money but these large companies just don't care. I HATED sleeping in an idling truck, the rattles, and motor noise were annoying but the cold AC made up for it. They save millions by NOT purchasing APU's and coercing drivers into sleeping in worse conditions than a slave. -
I called them and sure enough no generators allowed. All accessories must be temporary and utilize 12v power. I do have another option though and will test it out once I am on the road.
I disagree though about some opinions on bonuses I have seen pop up on here. That .02 CPM is only part of an overall bonus structure under which I could earn up to .05 CPM. The company I work for now offers drivers up to .06 CPM in bonuses and 80% of a fleet of over 1000 trucks received and 50% of those were in the .05 - .06 range. Even when I worked at a large carrier in the past that has a bad rap on here; their numbers were about the same. In my experience these bonuses are attainable and, in fact, many drivers attain them. I have seen the unofficial facebook page the drivers at the current company I work for maintain and a similar culture is encouraged on the site; one that says the bonuses are unattainable and not worth it anyway. However, the data doesn't support that assertion.
With stricter and stricter rules and regs always popping up I don't want to rely on idling my truck everywhere I go. I have another option in mind and will be testing it out soon. I know I am just saving them money by trying to get a different solution but that is not the point in my mind. There are better options than idling a truck burning a gallon of diesel fuel an hour just to run the AC. It is too wasteful for me to justify it. This is just my opinion and I know others feel differently and just as strongly as you feel in your opinion so do I.FLATBED Thanks this. -
Certified clean idle means the engine, at idle, produces less than a certain amount of NoX emissions. I am not sure what the current level is to meet the standard. Clean idle does not relate to fuel consumed.
Last edited: Jul 22, 2014
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