Going Vegan as OTR

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by DirtyhandsMcgee, Apr 19, 2018.

  1. tucker

    tucker Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    I eat cooked bacon, but you eat it however you want
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  3. RStewart

    RStewart Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2015
    Norman, OK
    Good plan. I'm leaning at going this direction just because the raw food makes prep much easier. Lol. I prefer not to be labeled vegan, vegetarian, meat eater, or anything else. I just call it eating for health. Nutritarian is another term I've heard too describe it. Lol. I'm sure I will still eat some meat but I'm picky about how the meat was raised and I don't like to make meat the main dish of the meal.
    Lepton1 Thanks this.
  4. Lepton1

    Lepton1 Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2012
    Yukon, OK
    I'm not a vegetarian by any means, it's just that the majority of what I eat is plants. I do like a good ribeye now and then and eat fish at least two or three times a week.
    tucker and RStewart Thank this.
  5. GypsyWanderlust

    GypsyWanderlust Medium Load Member

    Jan 1, 2018
    I suppose if you roll into a Walmart to restock supplies every week you could do it. Truck stops generally only have overpriced apples.
  6. Lepton1

    Lepton1 Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2012
    Yukon, OK
    Yes, you are correct. I replenish my refrigerator at least twice a week, usually at a Walmart. I can usually get it done when taking a 30, sometimes when planning to take a 10 at a Walmart that I know is truck friendly.
    IluvCATS Thanks this.
  7. Blackshack46

    Blackshack46 Road Train Member

    I agree with you, except for the meat. I love my meat. I do not buy store bought meat though. I have a couple local farms who i get all my meat needs from. Cow, bull, steer, turkey, pig, rabbit, chicken, duck, quail etc. All raised within 10 miles from me, on good quality farms. The kind of people you go talk to for an hour or two before even checking out the selection.
    I also get a moderate portion of meat from the woods like deer and turkey. One day soon, i hope to make it to north central pa and hunt for elk. One meat in pa ive never had.
    Last edited: May 6, 2018
    Reason for edit: Bcow bull steer, all different types of meat
    Lepton1 Thanks this.
  8. Lepton1

    Lepton1 Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2012
    Yukon, OK
    Now you have me hankering to go hunting again. I want to bag a pronghorn antelope from central Wyoming, the sage fed herds. I understand that sage permiates the meat.
    Blackshack46 Thanks this.
  9. Blackshack46

    Blackshack46 Road Train Member

    Ive heard that about inland bears too, who only eat bluberries as the major part of their diet....instead of fish. I heard the meat is sweet and a hint of blueberry flavor. I would love to try that blueberry bear. Ha.
    Lepton1 Thanks this.
  10. Blackshack46

    Blackshack46 Road Train Member


    Dont forget eggs, these girls here will move into their coop outside in another week, then another 12-16 weeks before we get eggs. Love these little dinosaurs, they've been like little food disposal systems for when im to lazy to go to the compost bin.

    If your going to eat oysters, sardines, etc as a vegan. Then you might as well find you a little chicken farm to get some eggs and get good protein in your diet.

    Im not knocking plant eating, its 90% of my breakfast and dinner plate. But chickens will always have eggs, might as well not let them go to waste.
    Lepton1 Thanks this.
  11. DSK333

    DSK333 Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2018
    Veganism = no animal products dietary or otherwise. That includes leather obviously and so many things you probably would never even consider. It's nearly impossible to be a true vegan.

    Veganism - Wikipedia

    tucker, SteveScott and Lepton1 Thank this.
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