goselin. eureka truck lines

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by LostOne9, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. DolphinCove

    DolphinCove Bobtail Member

    Mar 16, 2015
    Albany, Oregon
    What can you tell me about Bettendorf? Having talked to both ETL and Bettendorf, I would rather work for Bettendorf...talked to someone in their office and he was saying that they'll be hiring more drivers when the 299 is all the way cleared up.
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  3. Rugerfan

    Rugerfan Road Train Member

    May 3, 2011
    I like working here. It's easy money. The money isn't great but I also look at how relaxed it is here and I like it. I don't know much about the coast yards. I know they are running 299 for chips again and will only get busier. We are a little slow right now but it's only because of weather and they haven't been able to get wood to the mills. I plan on staying here unless the new buyout goes in the completely wrong direction.
    DolphinCove Thanks this.
  4. DolphinCove

    DolphinCove Bobtail Member

    Mar 16, 2015
    Albany, Oregon
    I gotcha...I would definitely be running out of the Arcata yard. The money isn't great? About how much per week?
  5. Rugerfan

    Rugerfan Road Train Member

    May 3, 2011
    Usually I gross a grand. Take home usually 7-750. I've never been able to take home 800 a week. It's not much.
    DolphinCove Thanks this.
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