Got a question....maybe 2

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by skeeter1021, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. skeeter1021

    skeeter1021 Bobtail Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Evansville, Indiana
    I'm not a trucker myself, but my hubby is and with all this record cold weather going around I thought of a couple of questions that my hubby actually couldn't answer for me :laughing8: . I was hoping that someone here would know the answers.

    I was out in the truck with him about a month ago and I noticed alot of truck stops are going to Idle Aire. My hubby doesn't use it because his company installed Rig Master Generator's on all their trucks so he can just run that. Ok, getting to my question...His generator also plugs into the block to keep that warm while the engine is shut off. How does that work if you use Idle Aire? I know that that service gives you heat, a/c, etc, but if it's extremely cold out does it plug into the block to help keep it warm, or do you just pray that it doesn't get so cold the truck won't start? Or do you just skip using the Idle Aire and park to idle your truck? Or maybe you're not there long enough for the cold to be a real factor?

    Sorry about asking so many questions. I'm a naturally curious person and when I don't know something I gotta find out the answer or it bugs the heck out of me...LOL. The last time I rode with him Idle Aire was out there, but not as much as it is now. I see it popping up everywhere and curiosity got the best of me because I noticed that the signs said that it was a "no idling zone" and no trucks were running. Thanks for any answers....:-D
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  3. 25(2)+2

    25(2)+2 Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 18, 2006
    the road less travelled
    I'm going to check that out as my Rigmaster isn't working right and I am also naturally curious. I still don't think Idle-Aire is the way to go, for lots of reasons. I'm about disgusted enough with OTR to try construction, at least no-smoking means no-smoking in a motel.

    Even if you could plug in the block heater and oil heaters, there is still the problem of fuel gelling, especially when temps get down to the minus numbers.

  4. skeeter1021

    skeeter1021 Bobtail Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Evansville, Indiana
    Now, see, you made me think of another question....:laughing8: . I know right now he got told to put Howe's fuel treatment in his tanks for the truck and the reefer, but that has nothing to do with the generator heating the block, right? I know the generator runs off the fuel from his tanks, but that's useless if the fuel in those tanks gels? Does the fuel treatment work if the truck isn't running and the generator is? Can you tell I'm not really mechanically inclined, but very curious? :smt044
  5. 25(2)+2

    25(2)+2 Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 18, 2006
    the road less travelled
    Chances are that the fuel in the tanks won't gel as long as the motor is running, one problem I had with the Rigmaster, on my tractor was not having enough anti-gel in the tank and the fuel filter on the Rigmaster gelled. It did run for a few minutes enough times to clear the filter and now it runs, although the alternator doesn't work and there is no muffler,running it makes me think of cutting the lawn in several months, I use it to take the chill out of the truck when I wake up.

    In answer, if he is using fuel treatment with anti-gel, the fuel in the tanks should be fine, its the fuel filters that tend to clog and enough anti-gel also prevents that from happening.

  6. skeeter1021

    skeeter1021 Bobtail Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Evansville, Indiana
    Thank you for answering that for me. I now understand :smt023 . The owner of my husband's company started with just 3 generator's for the trucks running New England cause driver's were getting harrassed for idling at customers. The owner then noticed a significant amount of savings on his fuel bill every month so he equipped the rest of the trucks. My hubby doesn't need the Idle Aire, but I see it more and more in the truck stops. He's not happy today cause New York gave him a ticket (actually it was stuck on the windshield made out to the company) for idling his generator. They claimed it was a diesel engine and he's not allowed to use it. I thought that's what the generator's were for so that you don't have to run the actual truck engine. The more that I read and the more that I see makes me wonder how you guys put up with all of it. Most of the time I know you don't get bothered, but there are those times that you just want to scream. I admire you guys and what you do and deal with on a daily basis! Just wanted to show some appreciation! :smt038
  7. basscase_2000

    basscase_2000 Light Load Member

    Apr 5, 2005
    Idle air does have shore power on the outside of the unit. Run your power cords up to the outside portion and you can keep your block warm. As for the fuel, radiant heat from your warmed block will keep it warm enough to not let your filters gel.

    The Rigmaster will still need howes anti gel to aid in keeping your tanks from gelling. The rigmaster circulates the fuel through it's warm motor, and any not used returns to the tank. But it only moves so much fuel, so I would still use the howes.

    I do use Idle aire every once in a while, but will get an APU as soon as I can. I don't like being chained to a truck stop for my comfort.
  8. basscase_2000

    basscase_2000 Light Load Member

    Apr 5, 2005
    NY state better be careful, they make it too big a pain, and people will stop bringing freight. I already won't go in there. Tell your hubby to do a google check for NY state and NYC anti idle laws. Most have exceptions for outside temp, and/or battery charging/ necessary truck function. He may be able to beat the ticket easilly.
  9. skeeter1021

    skeeter1021 Bobtail Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Evansville, Indiana
    :smt023 Thanks for the tip....I'll pass on the info. He likes running New England cause that's where we were both born and raised so that's what he's comfortable driving in. He is most definately not happy with New York right now. Says he's going to try his hand at driving out west for a while...:smt044
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