Got one of the bad ones off the road with video proof.

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by WesternPlains, Sep 2, 2024.

  1. WesternPlains

    WesternPlains Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2017
    This morning an idiot tried to run me off the freeway. I got video. Not sure how to upload it here from my texting?
    I called 911. Over an hour later. Took two highway patrol vehicles to get him to pull over.
    Patrolman made it quick and easy. He came and talked to me. Looked at the video. Said: He almost got you. ..Had me send video to him. Told me the other Patrolman didn't like how he was driving. He also refused to pull over for a while. "He's gonna get a bunch of tickets today." I told him I'd sign a complaint all the way up to road rage. He said: Don't worry about it. We'll sign the complaints. We have your info. I thanked him because I have people pull things on me. Don't get nothing done. This time I did. He said: No...Thank You! This is the kind of thing we want to take care of. You go ahead on home and have a nice labor day. I was about 40 miles from home.
    When I was getting the video from my boss. He asked about the truck? I said it's a Super Ego trailer. He said: That explains it. Those guys are crazy.
    Dave_in_AZ, tarmadilo, Oxbow and 23 others Thank this.
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  3. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    Good job. You did good. Glad it worked out.
  4. Deere hunter

    Deere hunter Road Train Member

    Aug 5, 2017
    Shallowater Texas
    Glad your ok! It's a war zone someday's...
  5. TheLoadOut

    TheLoadOut Road Train Member

    Nov 6, 2019
  6. Moosetek13

    Moosetek13 Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Burnsville, MN
    Glad you made it through, and from the sound of it you and your truck weren't damaged. That's good.
  7. WesternPlains

    WesternPlains Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2017
    South Dakota
  8. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    GREAT glad to hear it.

    i have dropped a dime or 2 in my years, sadly, no dash cams back then.

    we have to get involved, cuz if those maniacs out there don't get stopped, they certainly will (in time) maim or kill someone.
  9. abyliks

    abyliks Road Train Member

    May 2, 2010
    ludlow MA
    I think Super ego and Amazon are In completion to be the dumbest MFers on the road, worse the. Fed ex ground and car hauler guys
    Oxbow, bzinger, ducnut and 7 others Thank this.
  10. Judge

    Judge Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    I called 911 years ago.
    This car would pass me, then slow down, about 5 times.
    Finally i looked and seen a woman driving, reading flash cards with a car seat and kid in back.
    She’d be all over her lane then pass and in a few minutes let off the pedal.
    I called and told the dispatcher on the phone, gave description of car and tag number, this was on I40 around clarksville arkansas west bound.

    No one ever showed.
    That’s when they had one lane closed around Ozark AR right passed workman’s travel stop, and was a semi stopped with flashes on due to slow traffic for construction.
    She crashed into the back of him.
    Oxbow, Sons Hero, Grumppy and 3 others Thank this.
  11. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    I agree, I complained to SuperMorons and amazing Amazon (amazing they can even get the trailer hooked up) and they do not give a crap what their drivers do while on the road.
    Oxbow and bzinger Thank this.
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