So they can make a copy of it and pass it off to a Chilean crime crew so they can open up some lines of credit, transfer the deed of house etc.
Happiness is, leaving your driver's license at the truck stop.
Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by 86scotty, Nov 9, 2024.
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D.Tibbitt, hope not dumb twucker and Chinatown Thank this.
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hope not dumb twucker and Siinman Thank this.
hope not dumb twucker, Siinman and blairandgretchen Thank this.
hope not dumb twucker, Siinman and blairandgretchen Thank this.
Or give them your expired foreign license?
D.Tibbitt, Concorde, Sirscrapntruckalot and 3 others Thank this. -
silverspur, hope not dumb twucker, Siinman and 1 other person Thank this.
hope not dumb twucker Thanks this.
I lost my license recently, due to clumsiness and not paying attention, and it was not found yet. There were times before, when someone would pick it up and mail it back to you, but no luck this time. I replaced it with a real id cdl, the next day, which made the old one invalid but it still worries me that it might be in the hands of someone with ideas.
silverspur and Sirscrapntruckalot Thank this. -
Cdemars316 and snowwy Thank this.
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