My wife and I wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving whether you are home with family and friends or working during the holidays. We are driving to our son's to celebrate with him and our daughter in law before he ships out for a 3 year deployment with the US NAVY. This is just another extension in his 22 year career as a Master Chief Mineman and probably his last. Take care everyone.
Happy Thanksgiving to all
Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by navypoppop, Nov 26, 2024.
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Happy Thanks giving to you and yours as well navypoppop ! and to everyone !
Safe Travels !!hope not dumb twucker, Big Road Skateboard, REO6205 and 5 others Thank this. -
nextgentrucker, Big Road Skateboard, silverspur and 4 others Thank this.
Thanksgiving has never been the same since mom died. I suppose a turkey sub at Subway,,,again,,sigh,,
Knucklehead, 86scotty, Cherokee65 and 5 others Thank this. -
Well 201 you have us to complain to LOL, that has to count for something ha ha , Look at the bright side. There is always a bright side. All of you here and on or off the road I truly give thanks for . Thank You , you all do so much more than you know. HAPPY THANKSGIVING
Knucklehead, 86scotty, Cherokee65 and 3 others Thank this. -
Go down to the Salvation Army or St. Vincent de Paul or any other place that feeds people on Thanksgiving. Volunteer to help dish up food or clean up or whatever. You'll get a good meal, meet some new people, and do something worthwhile.
Or, just eat your turkey sub and piss and moan.Your choice entirely.
And Happy Turkey Day .Knucklehead, 88 Alpha, kemosabi49 and 8 others Thank this. -
If you are alone, it's because you choose to be alone; and there's nothing wrong with that.
And you don't necessarily have to eat turkey. Go getcha a big ol steak and baked potato.Knucklehead, 88 Alpha, kemosabi49 and 10 others Thank this. -
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. And of course thank you and your son for your service.
kemosabi49, Cherokee65, The_vett and 4 others Thank this. -
Sirscrapntruckalot Road Train Member
Happy Thanksgiving! Be safe, get fat, enjoy the day.
Sirscrapntruckalot -
Knucklehead, kemosabi49, Cherokee65 and 4 others Thank this. -
Knucklehead, The_vett, 88 Alpha and 1 other person Thank this.
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