Hi guys, I'm new and I need help please.

Discussion in 'Expediter and Hot Shot Trucking Forum' started by Cptkill21, Dec 10, 2024.

  1. Cptkill21

    Cptkill21 Bobtail Member

    Dec 10, 2024
    Hey everyone I'm very new to this industry and I need some help. I'm going to be very blunt in this message and I understand that I will likely receive hate. Please note that what I'm about to write is not something I'm interested in debating or arguing about I'm simply adding as much detail as possible so some of you can possibly help me out here. So I ask that we remain professional. Thank you

    I have currently been unemployed for 2.5 years due to my background. I am a registered sex offender. I have done my time and am no risk to anyone and actively try to stop people from becoming offenders and help whoever I can. Aside from that I can not get employed by anyone, not even Walmart or McDonald's. So I've decided to open my own company in hotshot trucking. Luckily I have someone that has been supporting me financially and helping me aquire the stuff I need to get into this industry.

    I had thought that I researched everything thoroughly, written everything down, and had it all figured out. Unfortunately due to my affliction (for lack of a better word) I always miss something and that is the case yet again.

    I have registered my business name, got my business license, and got my truck (2020 f450). I am now ready to go to cdl school and I find out what I missed. The 2 schools in my area cost 3800 and 5250. I thought there was financial aid available through fafsa but I was wrong. The only financial aid is through the same office that does food stamps and they are out of funding and don't know when they will have more.

    I know I can ask the person that has been helping me for more assistance but that hurts me as they have already helped me so much and they intend to help me with getting my trailer and all the other various government required documentation to hit the road. I just want to do at least one part on my own but I'm not sure what to do here (I'm also not sure why there needs to be another pay wall for this industry).

    I can not get any other employment as I can't pass a background check. My credit is shot so a loan is not an option, and the schools payment plan is 1000 a week so that is not an option.

    I'm sure many of you, at this point, are thinking why the hell is this guy going about opening a company this way. The simple answer is I'm out of options and I need to still make money. I have people that depend on me making this work, and I refuse to give up or let them down. This is my last option at making any money. My only other option is disappearing to another country and creating a new identity which I would really rather not do.

    So yeah sorry for the long post with stuff you guys will most likely not like and disagree with. I ask that you please don't shame me or tell me I'm an idiot. Please just tell me what my options are for getting into this ###### school so I can continue moving forward with my new life. I greatly appreciate any help.

    Thank you
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  3. rbrtwbstr

    rbrtwbstr Road Train Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    in the bush somewhere
    Oof. That's quite the conundrum. I'd probably lean on this person who has helped you already. ( I'm assuming you intend to pay them back)

    I don't believe there's any shame in asking for some help to get up and going, people do it all the time, they just ask banks to do the same as your friend. So i'd suggest that.

    On the schooling thing, unless it has changed recently, and if it's the same as in Pennsylvania, you'll need ELDT training, which can be done online for a small fee. Then go to the DMV and present your completion certificate. Take the CDL written test. If you pass, you get your permit. You'll need to have a licensed driver with you while driving. After you get some experience, take the road test. Off you go to make some money. I recently did the online ELDT training to obtain my Hazmat endorsement. Cost me $65. The other option was to go to a community college and pay thousands

    Paying for a school may not be in everyone's budget, however it's not a bad thing either. It's been 22 years since I got my CDL, and alot has changed. But I did it without any formal schooling when others said it can't be done.
    201 Thanks this.
  4. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    Okay, 1st, welcome aboard, you came to the right place. 2nd, there's no need to bash yourself, generally, we don't make that determination here, believe it or not, we weren't exactly angels either. Hotshot biz, from what I hear, is extremely competitive, many times, you snooze, you lose. That and general freight for Hotshots isn't exactly booming this time of year. Package delivery, that's the cheese today. We've all agreed here, insurance rules the roost, and they call the shots, pretty much excluding possible good drivers, like yourself. I think the tide is turning some, just due to the lack of applicants, and companies are finding out, a lot of good drivers are being past by, but it will be a while. We understand your desperation, we hear it a lot on this site. You certainly aren't alone. I can't begin to tell you the hassles involved in moving to a different country, make staying and riding it out here a piece of cake.
    Plenty of good jobs that aren't near as strict, maybe lay low unloading Walmart trailers for a spell( also a good job), local landscaping company here that cuts our grass and plows, doesn't seem too particular.,who knows? Above all, except for here, keep your mouth shut about your past. Remember, you're among friends here, but to them, you are just a statistic. Hang in there, pal.:thumbup:
  5. rbrtwbstr

    rbrtwbstr Road Train Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    in the bush somewhere
    I believe I stand corrected after digging a little deeper on the ELDT training. This is copied from PennDot's FAQ page on the ELDT training.

    2. What training must an entry-level driver complete to take a commercial driver license (CDL) skills test?
    Entry-level drivers attempting to take a CDL skills test to receive a Class A CDL, Class B CDL, passenger (P) endorsement, or school bus (S) endorsement must successfully complete a mandatory theory (knowledge) and a behind-the-wheel (BTW) training provided by a training provider listed on the TPR.

    For more information regarding required training, visit the FMCSA’s ELDT Curriculum Summary.

    To add to this, if you look for the FMCSA ELDT training provider list, there's providers listed that aren't driving schools or colleges. I did a quick search for my area and found a local heating oil delivery company listed. So I'd assume they'll be considerably cheaper than enrolling in a school
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2024
  6. OldeSkool

    OldeSkool Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2018
    New Hampshire
    One option for you might be to find something light to haul. If you can stay under 26,000 pounds gross weight loaded you don’t need a CDL. Make some money and work into it.

    I just found out about a website called Shipley where people post odds and ends they want hauled. You could do some of that kind of work starting out and not need a CDL.
    jbatmick, Opus and Chinatown Thank this.
  7. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    I remember a guy on here a few years ago that did something like that. No CDL and used his pickup and a horse trailer and was hauling motorcycles.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2024
    OldeSkool Thanks this.
  8. Cptkill21

    Cptkill21 Bobtail Member

    Dec 10, 2024
    I think i am going to look into the online option for theory and find an independent driver for behind the wheel, should be much cheaper. I've been asking for advice on reddit and that was the best advice so far. It'll be much easier to lean on my financial supporter with a cheaper cost. Thank you for the advice.

    Thank you for the warm welcome. Could you tell me more about the insurance issue? I dont know anything of what is going on there.

    honestly i would love to find a job of any kind in the meantime but ive been applying to everything for 2.5 years and get shot down everytime. Even companies that dont run background checks. Ill get a week or two of employment then someone googles my name and i get let go. Its honestly very defeating which is one of the reasons i just want to focus on building my company.

    ill definitely check the website to gain more knowledge on what to do

    I'll look into this. Thank you for the advice
  9. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    Just food for thought.
    If you find that your current plan just isn’t attainable at this time then look into expedited van. Low startup, less regulatory bs. Can’t tell you much about earnings just another avenue you could look into.

    The only other thing I want to tell you if you get going with the hotshot business is do everything by the book. I tend to see them being inspected all the time. Getting going and then ending up with a couple bad inspections and you’ll have a hard time recovering.
    Dino soar Thanks this.
  10. Cptkill21

    Cptkill21 Bobtail Member

    Dec 10, 2024

    Thanks for the advice I'll look into that.
    And yeah I intend to make sure I'm following every rule there is
    Concorde Thanks this.
  11. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Training Provider Registry
    FMCSA's Training Provider Registry improves highway safety by ensuring that entry-level drivers of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) complete training as required by the new Entry-Level …
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