Hi, I'm Snazzy and I'm Trucker

Discussion in 'The Welcome Wagon' started by Snazzy, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. Snazzy

    Snazzy Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2007
    Granbury, Texas
    Everyone have a seat and I'll tell you my story. I guess, I was about 8 years old. Sure back then we had our toys to play with. Mostly those Japan made metal trucks. I don't think Tonka toys were known back then. At least that I remember. Of course we're going back 50 years ago. Anyway, I always liked the police cars and fire trucks. Then one day while at the Motts five and dime I conned Mom into buying me a real 18 wheeler. It actually was a replica of a moving van. When we got home the first thing I did was back up to my older sister's doll house and loaded all the toy furniture up. I shut the little doors on the back and went hauling. My mom mentioned that uncle Charlie was a real trucker and maybe he'd give me a ride when he came to visit. A few weeks later I was sitting in the largest vehicle on the the road next to Charlie. Well, actually I was standing in the passenger seat while Charlie slammed gears and layed her ears back. Yep, we was trucking. We went all the way across town and swung into the steel yard that my uncle worked for. Charlie took my hand and we marched into the office. The biggest man I'd ever seen grabbed me up and threw me like a feather back to Charlie. He said something about, " He has to be able to see over the steering wheel before I can hire him ! " Anyway from that day on I guess I was hooked. When we got home I told my mom I was going to be a trucker. She wasn't very thrilled and told me they all have bad kidneys from bouncing around and most of em didn't have a third grade education. I stuck my chest out and reminded her I was in the third grade. I played trucker for hours on end and even had to haul a dinosaur to the zoo. Well actually it was a huge grasshopper and besides his leg being ripped off the trip went well. So there you have it. More to come and happy to be here. Snazzy.
    Chairman Maobama and Diesel_Smurf Thank this.
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  3. Baack

    Baack Road Train Member

    May 24, 2007
    OK? welcome
    I enjoy you already
    I sell old toys so maybe I understand.
    Gotta love tin toys from the 60's
    Got any extras?
  4. Ducks

    Ducks "Token Four-Wheeler"

    Jan 1, 2007
    Southeastern Pennsylvania
    Hi, Snazzy... and welcome to the forum! Thanks so much for the great intro -- it made me think back to when we built our towns in the dirt on the hillside... building roads with our toy dozers and houses among the surface tree roots.

    You made me think. We're about the same age, and I vaguely remember Tonka toys from my childhood. I never owned one, though, but I kinda think my neighbor did. Curiosity got to me -- I checked their website and they began manufacturing in 1947... so while they were around in our early years, they probably just didn't have the market exposure that they do now.

    I still have my favorite truck from when I was a kid. A friend of my father's gave it to me when I was just a little girl... and despite getting pretty good play, it's not in bad shape. I just can't bring myself to get rid of it.

    I am such a sop. LOL

    Anyway... now that I'm done reminiscing -- I want to say hi... and hope that you enjoy the forum as much as the rest of us do!
  5. Baack

    Baack Road Train Member

    May 24, 2007
    Tonkas before the 60's are the most valuable
  6. Ducks

    Ducks "Token Four-Wheeler"

    Jan 1, 2007
    Southeastern Pennsylvania
    Away from the trucks for a moment -- I have my old tin doll house and barn up in the attic.... complete with its little plastic furniture, fencing, and animals. My husband keeps telling me to "get rid of that junk", but it's in really good condition, and I keep telling him it's gonna be worth something someday.

    Hold onto those tin toys, baack. :yes2557:
  7. Baack

    Baack Road Train Member

    May 24, 2007
    My hobby is selling old toys
    Is your doll house marked Marx toys?
  8. Ducks

    Ducks "Token Four-Wheeler"

    Jan 1, 2007
    Southeastern Pennsylvania
    I'm not sure, but I doubt it. I don't remember any particular markings or embossed areas. I'll have to check next time I venture into the attic.

    Poor Snazzy. We hijacked his welcome thread. He just got me caught up in some pretty sweet memories... :yes2557:

    We now return you to the original thread...

    Hi, Snazzy!
  9. Baack

    Baack Road Train Member

    May 24, 2007
    Welcome snazzy good luck

    Marx would be small and likely hidden
    Usually its Mar with a circle around it with a x over the top. Again small
    The furniture should each be marked.
    If it isn't mark, dont look at the building lots of companies made them. Check the furniture.
    There should be a mold mark on the furniture.
    Again Welcome Snazzy
    Ducks made me do it! LOL
  10. Snazzy

    Snazzy Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2007
    Granbury, Texas
    Heck this post is as is good as any to jabberjaw. I thought for a minute that Ducks was going to dispatch me to haul her furniture, fence, and animals. My Aunt collects G I Joes and my older sister has Barbee Dolls. Only thing I collect is dust. Great to hear from yall and thanks for your welcomes. I'm sure there is money in that collecting stuff. I've restored several classic cars overtime. Something about being able to go back to the good ole days makes a person feel fuzzy and warm. Kind of nice to reflect and escape this rat race we're all stuck in now. I know for a fact some of the older days weren't all peaches and cream, but somehow time lets us forget the rough spots and recall the best of it. Didn't mean to ramble. Well actually I did cause I like to ramble. Come on back.
  11. Baack

    Baack Road Train Member

    May 24, 2007
    I collect it all
    Plus the dust only helps
    Does she collect 3 3/4 or large scale gi joe
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