Highway on overdrive news.

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by snowwy, Jan 16, 2025.

  1. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
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  3. Big Road Skateboard

    Big Road Skateboard Road Train Member

    May 2, 2021
    Kinda leaves a guy in a tough spot, if you run a bunch of brokered freight.

    Then again, it may be advantageous for those willing to accept their terms.

    It hasn't really affected me much yet. Not saying it won't.

    It's kinda like 8 ft tarped loads. If you ain't willing to throw em, and you run flat in the winter up north, you're cutting your availability to loads. Same thing.

    I'll tarp. Eff Highway though.

    It being reported is definitely a positive
    Meonthenet, 401-Alex and TheLoadOut Thank this.
  4. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    For the past week or so I have seen threads pop up about brokers, insurance and ELDs among other problems.

    Now, I write to my senators (all are useless POS) and have talked to my representatives all on the state and federal levels about different trucking matters. Sometimes, it is lip service from them, but other times, they do bring the issue up in committee.

    What I see in this industry and now in a lot of others is it is fractured enough that there is no power in numbers.

    The solution is possible, with all of you who are willing to take a UNIFORMED approach to the issues and talk to those who are in power.

    What I mean is stop being selfish, look at one issue - take brokers - and agree with simple solutions that work. I, among other owners, have talked about one issue - ownership of the loads - which means that when you book a load that is scraped off of a board, the initiating broker has to be disclosed; the source of the broker offering the load to you got the load is and is there communications about the load between brokers and the shippers/receivers before the load is on the truck. This is a single subject but it impacts all of us equally.

    So for the problems with insurance, ELD, and inspections, it is even easier, the FMCSA has to force the brokers to accept any truck that has qualified to be on the road under FMCSA regulations. If the insurance is progressive, and fulfills the requirements of the FMCSA, then the broker can not refuse using the truck. The same with inspections, and ELD access.

    This will impact these reporting sites and other things for all of us to get this crap out of the way from making money.
  5. Meonthenet

    Meonthenet Bobtail Member

    May 9, 2019
    Thank you for that link! I'm out money! I've called several brokers that I've hauled for in the past, that told me they're now setup with Highway. I tell them I refuse to give Highway my personal login ID and password to my ELD. Then you can't haul for us! I've asked companies if I can setup through them directly and a couple companies did. I asked PAM the same. I was looking to haul power only for PAM. I told PAM I haul power only JB Hunt... A day later JB Hunt deactivated my "Elite Carrier" account. I called JB Hunt to find out why. JB Hunt said they don't share their internal processes with external companies. I found out afterwards JB Hunt uses Highway. I was hauling for JB Hunt for years, using their 360 app tracking on my phone! Highway claims I have to give them my ELD login and password so they can make sure I'm hauling the load??? The 360 app using my phone number isn't enough?? So the onboarding message I sent to PAM was given to Highway, and Highway inactivated me with JB Hunt.

    I just called a company that I hauled several loads for (on time no problems,) and the broker said they've switched to Highway, I have to onboard again. He then said I can't set you up with Highway! I said why? Is Highway claiming I'm not qualified (33 years driving, always on time, never a freight claim!) The broker said "the Highway system says I refuse to give Highway my ELD access, and I don't have proper insurance! True; I refuse to give Highway my ELD access, LIE; I don't have proper insurance (1 million/2 million aggregate, $100,000 cargo...) I was on the phone yelling at the Highway Reps. I did send quite a few onboarding messages to companies trying to onboard around Highway. Stating I don't agree with Highway's Central Bank Digital ID approach, their draconian/authoritarian demands, that's a detriment to my personal security! I may have added Ben Franklyn's sentiment; He who surrenders their freedom for a little safety, deserves neither! But everything I said was true! It now seems Highway is blacklisting me, and lying by saying I don't have proper insurance! That's libel! Exactly what Highway purports to be doing; protecting good carrier's reputations! Maybe they will, if you bend a knee!

    Now RMIS (Truckstop) is trying to play catchup with Highway. RMIS wants your Driver's license on file, and for you to take selfies when you call to prove to them it's you! Have you called Truckstop after hours??? Yup, your call is answered in an India call center! The biggest scammer country in the world will have access to your driver's license (who knows what other data) in the name of safety for a broker??????? Your personal safety be ######!

    I'm ready for a class action! A 3rd party company force collecting data and sharing it/storing it in other countries??? Causing real harm, blocking carriers from working! Can we get Tony Buzbee???
    cke, D.Tibbitt, snowwy and 2 others Thank this.
  6. DUNE-T

    DUNE-T Road Train Member

    May 10, 2015
    Detroit, MI
    Yeah it's mind blowing how brokers decide to drop trusted carriers over the ELD access.
    cke, D.Tibbitt and Meonthenet Thank this.
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