Hiring students in Florida?

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by Chauncestanbul, Jul 17, 2009.

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  1. Chauncestanbul

    Chauncestanbul Bobtail Member

    Apr 20, 2007
    OK, here we go. Graduated from National Training Inc. (Accredited, Great school by the way.) final grade 92.1, Haz Mat endorsed, excellent driving record (No accidents, DUI, speeding, etc.), No felonies, 1 (Minor) misdemeanor over 7 years old, 2 year Medical certificate, all ready to go! No one's hiring in Florida!!! Called just about every company in the country, filled enough applications to make me cross-eyed.
    Here just a taste of some of the companies that said no:
    Trans Am
    Windy Hill
    Service Trucking Inc.
    Willis-shaw, etc., etc............

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  3. skinnytrucker

    skinnytrucker Heavy Load Member

    Jan 24, 2009
    U.P. of Michigan
  4. dino6960

    dino6960 YOUDAMAN

    Jun 25, 2009
    sorry to hear your bad luck iv gone thru the same thing but didnt go thru a school,tryed everyone,i cant even get a job hauling containers out of the port cause the cubans have it locked up and pretty much run everthing and your gona find if your south of orlando or tampa your siht out of luck but may i suggest armillinitrucking,and buy the way you just spent six mths to a yr and 3-6000 dollar to have to wait till you have had your lic a bit longer to get hired on or go thru a company program all over again and get crap buy the mile exsepet the exspirence ???????dosnt your school have a job placement area???thats something id check out i know for a while the guys i seem at a truckdriveing school they lied where they lived so they could get a job?????:biggrin_25516::biggrin_25510:
  5. Chauncestanbul

    Chauncestanbul Bobtail Member

    Apr 20, 2007
    ! year for NFI. They were one of the 1st.
  6. Chauncestanbul

    Chauncestanbul Bobtail Member

    Apr 20, 2007
    Unfortunately Amillini has the same answer.
  7. dino6960

    dino6960 YOUDAMAN

    Jun 25, 2009
    seems the world has become a difficult place for drivers,thanks to the big truckingcompanys that will give an inexspirenced drive a chance and rake him over the coals with trial and error with slave wages, at 3000 miles at .22 cent a mile thats 660 a week before taxes so after taxes and your school payment and what ever bills you have,then the fight to get a job freight is low so the miles are low and the company gets cheap labor witch but the way is less than minimum wage at 70 hr a week just to say i can drive a big truck and see the country,what there not telling you is the hurry up and wait routine and then its a hot load cause the dm dint have a truck so the load was picked up late due to PPP this is called( piss poor planing) on the dms part and your supposed to pic up his slack and make him look better???but god forbid you idle your truck and burn a little extra fuel covering his ###,and if your useing paperless logs you can get shut down buy your company for your hos?????so my question to you is how dos it feel to be a minority and find out your just a number and you could lose everthing you worked for because the dm didnt get what he wanted and makes you sit and you have no miles and no $$$$$ so how dos it feel to put your future in the hands of someone that dont give to hoots about you?????is this a chance your willing to take??????this is the question you have to ask yourself
  8. fisher guy

    fisher guy Road Train Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    Ocala Florida
    hey National is a good school I went there for there equipment operator course back in '03 But yeah I feel ur pain buddy nothing hiring Google wil-trans they got a pretty harsh trainer ridealong policy but they offer good equipment...PETE 387 and 389/379's I called them a few weeks ago and they said they'd hire me in Florida So give it a shot, let me know how it goes
  9. fisher guy

    fisher guy Road Train Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    Ocala Florida
    hey National is a good school I went there for there heavy equipment school. I hear u on the lack of jobs in florida Try searching google for Wil-trans. they have a pretty harsh ride-along policy But they offer decent miles they haul Prime reefers and they offer really good equipment from what i hear Pete 387-379/389 so give em a jingle and let me know I might try and get on with em when i give up looking for the local stuff
    Chauncestanbul Thanks this.
  10. TaylorMade407

    TaylorMade407 Road Train Member

    Jun 30, 2009
    i had to move to Georgia because nobody would hire from fla i used my cousin address in atl and switched my cdl to a GA cdl and got 7 pre hires so im movin to GA i need to make a living. And swift is your only choice unless u dont wanna run teams i dont know how well u play with others. but best of luck
    Chauncestanbul and The Challenger Thank this.
  11. Dr. Venture

    Dr. Venture Medium Load Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    Ithaca, NY
    Look into CCC (ComCar) out of Auburndale. They were hiring new drivers, maybe Cypress too. It's tough down there and several companies have the market cornered so freight is scarce. I know New Line and Shelton are good at sucking up flatbed freight. Maybe find a citrus company and get in on the orange harvesting, though that's probably over for right now. Might check out PAM and AFS too.
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