Holiday Monday are most shippers closed?

Discussion in 'Flatbed Trucking Forum' started by Elroythekid, Feb 17, 2023.

  1. Elroythekid

    Elroythekid Road Train Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Halifax Nova Scotia
    Been sitting since Wednesday noon in NC, no loads back to Canada, just figured out Monday is a holiday here. Are shippers all closed for Presidents day?
    My option is dead head back to Nova Scotia.
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  3. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    No …most should be open..not many close for that holiday that i know of
    86scotty, CAXPT and Elroythekid Thank this.
  4. Hawkeye72

    Hawkeye72 Light Load Member

    Feb 20, 2015
    Banks and Government offices will be closed. Most everything else will be open.
    CAXPT and Elroythekid Thank this.
  5. Elroythekid

    Elroythekid Road Train Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Halifax Nova Scotia
    Thanks, trying to decide to bounce or stay. I can go back and get a good paying steel load coming right back down tuesday. Long dead head tho, but I'm getting stir crazy sitting here eating my face off.
    CAXPT Thanks this.
  6. CAXPT

    CAXPT Road Train Member

    Feb 10, 2008
    Depending on where you are in NC, you could bounce to Darlington, SC to get a load of steel out of there. Also, there are two Nucor plants in NC you could hit up. Now, what you're willing to run for, would be a different matter. :)
    Elroythekid Thanks this.
  7. ‘Olhand

    ‘Olhand Cantankerous Crusty

    Jan 18, 2011
    I didn’t think this was much of a holiday either other than governmental but after talking to my broker for a couple hours this afternoon about loading Monday seems like half of the north east is closed on Monday so I’m not sure about down where you are
    CAXPT and Elroythekid Thank this.
  8. Elroythekid

    Elroythekid Road Train Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Halifax Nova Scotia
    Thanks folks, I'm leaning towards bouncing. Hard decision. Been here since Wednesday.
    I dont book my loads or have access to the load boards. They say there was nothing moving this week, they found one load, tarped to montreal for $2200 gross that went to the truck that was in front of me. Company truck.
    Then a $2200 gross to toronto, that ended up needed 53ft trailer, for 50ft pics, I have a 48, before I could find out if I could over hang 2ft of it, she said it was gone. I didnt really want it, it was 3 hrs in the wrong direction, ( I'm in Mebane, ) and then to toronto, I get 74%.
    Last 3 loads down here were like that, I dont think I'll come down again. I'd rather do moulding in the roll tite for less money, and be consistantly busy than sitting like this.
    It's just getting my head around bouncing home AGAIN mty. 3rd time In 6 months. Or....Wait til monday or tuesday, and get another $2200 special, and make crap.
    Sorry for the rambling but I'm, for some reason, having a hard time making this decision. I hate bleeding cash.
    CAXPT and blairandgretchen Thank this.
  9. Elroythekid

    Elroythekid Road Train Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Halifax Nova Scotia
    The loads have to be for canada is the problem. I'm sure they were looking at those places for anything they could find.
    CAXPT Thanks this.
  10. ‘Olhand

    ‘Olhand Cantankerous Crusty

    Jan 18, 2011
    Is there somewhere on the way home your company’s got better freight like further up north just to mitigate some of the cost
    CAXPT Thanks this.
  11. Ruthless

    Ruthless Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2010
    The City.
    What holiday is it?
    CAXPT Thanks this.
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