Hoosier Tradewinds

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Chopperjohn, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. Chopperjohn

    Chopperjohn Bobtail Member

    Jan 1, 2008
    Indy IN
    They say they operate by christian principles, as long as those principles involve screwing their drivers. Thank god I only worked there a couple of weeks...............which was plenty. They cancelled the direct deposit (can you heard the sound of trouble coming?) And now I can't get my final settlement.......hum....me thinks I've been screwed.

    Watch yourself if you're thinking about these guys. They'll talk to you about the bible as they lift your wallet out of your back pocket.
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  3. Chopperjohn

    Chopperjohn Bobtail Member

    Jan 1, 2008
    Indy IN
    I did get my final settlemnt 3 weeks later. Watch out you've been warned
    Reconciler and Keepfrozzin Thank this.
  4. Pete_379X

    Pete_379X Super Chrome

    Jul 4, 2007
    There is a local end dump company like that around here. The guy will preach your ears off while robbing you blind.
    Reconciler Thanks this.
  5. Bakers Dozen

    Bakers Dozen Bobtail Member

    Aug 3, 2010
    Columbus, OH
    I beg to differ on your opinion of this company. You must of done something to them to tick them off because I have been here close to 6 years and have had a total opposite expierence. They actually pick up the phone and talk to me when I have a problem. My money is good. I get paid like clockwork. Everything they told me about compensation in orientation was true. No hidden stuff.

    I hate when people use these forums to talk bad. There are just as many good. I would recommend anyone to talk the Hoosier Tradewinds about driving. You won't be sorry.
    Reconciler Thanks this.
  6. Bakers Dozen

    Bakers Dozen Bobtail Member

    Aug 3, 2010
    Columbus, OH
    This is crazy. I have been her for many years and have nothing but good to say about them. They have an open door policy and always treat me with respect. I make great money. I even had trouble with one of my dispacthers, brought it to their attention and got switched to someone else. That was 3 years ago. Yes they have made mistakes but they admit then, correct them and don't let them happen again. Don't be so hypocritical yourself!
    Reconciler Thanks this.
  7. SouthernPines

    SouthernPines Bobtail Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Barnwell, SC
    I notice some companies get bad mouthed by a lot of drivers. So there has to be some truth. I know I work for one of the best companies and they compensate me very well for my work. Try them out if you have haz-endorsement and like to run flatbeds across the country. They move a lot of rad materials for reactors and such. They had a website was spinestrucking . com or something like that. Come run with me and earn what you are worth and if you are tired of being lied to then this is the place. Hope to see you soon.
    Reconciler Thanks this.
  8. chralb

    chralb Road Train Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Where the truck is
    I wish I had found this forum 7 months ago when I first started thinking about becoming a driver. I've spent countless hours "trying" to weed through companies and the opinions about them and I've come to the conclusion that it's really all so subjective.

    I honestly believe (right or wrong) that you could take 2 drivers working for the same company, give them identical loads picked up and delivered at the same places at the same times and you'd have one who was happy and one who was not.

    I think like anything else in life, it's really more about the individual's attitude than the company's policies. At least I hope so because if not, then I have NO CLUE what company to trust.

    I just graduated Monday and I've been doing the non stop paper dance jtrying just to get hired. I really didn't know it would be this hard to just get a shot at proving myself out there.

    Hat's off to all you that have "been there, done that". And thanks for your efforts in relaying your experiences. While I'm still confused about "who's a good company", it has enlightened me a bit more on the matter. :biggrin_25514:
  9. Half a Load

    Half a Load Light Load Member

    6 years? Then you were there when they went bankrupt. How did they handle that?:smt064
  10. Bakers Dozen

    Bakers Dozen Bobtail Member

    Aug 3, 2010
    Columbus, OH
    They handled it very well! Up front with what happened and why they happened. Kept us very informed along the way. Also the most important thing.....I got ALL the money thay was due me! Now I am continueing to work for them and have never made more in my life.

    I love Tradewinds!
    walstib and Half a Load Thank this.
  11. Bakers Dozen

    Bakers Dozen Bobtail Member

    Aug 3, 2010
    Columbus, OH
    They handled it with integrity and honesty. Very upfront with about the situation and took care of ALL of us. Awesome company!
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