How much does my boss earn off each dumpster?

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by tkdplayer, May 19, 2012.

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  1. tkdplayer

    tkdplayer Bobtail Member

    Feb 27, 2012
    I just started driving roll-off they're paying me $14/hr no benefits, I was just trying to figure about how much profit my owner makes off each dumpster? I know they charge close to $300 for a 15yarder but he has to pay overhead
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  3. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
  4. tkdplayer

    tkdplayer Bobtail Member

    Feb 27, 2012
    I'm not really complaining just saying, telling you what I get paid.
  5. G/MAN

    G/MAN Road Train Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    What difference does it make what your boss makes? You agreed to work for an hourly wage. As long as you get your check it should not make any difference what your boss makes. He also has a lot of overhead. He pays for insurance, payments, maintenance, overhead, wages, etc., If you really want to know what he makes, why don't you just ask your boss?
    Voyager1968 and dptrucker Thank this.
  6. Voyager1968

    Voyager1968 Road Train Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Tamaqua, PA
    Good post G/MAN. I must admit, however, that I too have often wondered what the owner of my company makes for specific jobs and runs, but not so much in the context of "am I getting my fair shake". I know I am, and earn a decent living. What I wonder is, in this economy, and with fuel prices through the roof, is he making enough to stay in business and allow me to continue working for him.
  7. MNdriver

    MNdriver Road Train Member

    Feb 24, 2012
    Don't think about it.

    You'll just give a yourself an ulcer either from worrying if you'll have a job tomorrow or getting upset cuz you feel getting screwed on pay.

    If you really want to know how much the boss makes, become self employed.
    G/MAN Thanks this.
  8. tkdplayer

    tkdplayer Bobtail Member

    Feb 27, 2012
    I have another option or two so I don't have to allow others to use me, so does anyone know details? What's wrong with me asking what if I want to buy my own roll-off, put an ad in the phonebook and get paid better. So where's the no-thanks button to all your whack ### posts?
  9. tkdplayer

    tkdplayer Bobtail Member

    Feb 27, 2012

    Yeah, ok. That sounds like a good idea.
  10. G/MAN

    G/MAN Road Train Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    I understand that there is a curiosity about what the boss makes. Even if you knew what he charged, you would not really know any more than you do now. I have had employees want to know the same thing about my business and not just my trucking business. Employees see thousands of dollars going through the books and somehow assume that it is all profit. They usually fail to see the costs involved to generate those thousands of dollars. Sometimes, employees make more than the boss. The advantage the boss has is when there are many employees and he can make a little from each one.

    Another factor that few employees consider is the number of hours most business owners spend running their businesses. Employees can go home at the end of their shift, if they are paid hourly or a salary. The boss can't always do that. Often the owner works 24/7. If he is not actually working, he is thinking about how to improve productivity or better run his business. I have never met anyone who owns a business who only works 9-5.

    Some employees get jealous or envious because the owner is successful. They can resent it even though the owners success helps to insure their own. They don't understand that the owner sacrificed and saved his money in order to start his enterprise. He often sacrifices time with his family in order to build his business. The owner is responsible for keeping the doors open, paying the bills and meeting the payroll.
    NDBADLANDS Thanks this.
  11. tkdplayer

    tkdplayer Bobtail Member

    Feb 27, 2012
    I'm not a jealous person I wasn't born that way, I get what your saying that's why I made this thread. I'm talking about a small time garbage business here. I'm sure you busted your ### cool story bro just like my boss did but who doesn't? It's not about working harder it's about trying to be smarter. Starting out is probably what's hard about it but once you can get some decent people working for you(office and drivers) then you go home early everyday and guys like me are the last one to close up. I'll figure it out I mean it's not rocket science to run a small bus they're mostly run by idiots. (So i'm pretty sure I could do it too). The smart people(not me) are the ones who grow the bigger companies.

    I wouldn't have to get rich either I mean just being able to work myself would be cool as long as i'm making some money too. I was just curious I might quit trucking altogether these people knew I had a class A and needed a driver so they asked me if I wanted a job.
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