How's Everyone Doing in LTL Right Now?

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by Mike2633, Aug 23, 2022.

  1. plynnjr92

    plynnjr92 Light Load Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    Inland Empire, CA
    Freight is still slow but consistent here in SoCal, but I see OD is resuming their truck driving academy again. Saw some trainees going about their business in the yard a couple days ago, so maybe OD sees an opportunity to fill capacity down the road.

    In other news, I don't have to search for a new co-driver anymore! My current one decided she will stay on another year. Mostly because she finally got the 4Runner she's wanted for a long time, and she has a better chance of paying it off quickly by staying on our truck. Works for me, we have a great working relationship and it makes for entertaining work weeks.

    This is my tiny car next to her behemoth SUV
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  3. NvySwmr626

    NvySwmr626 Light Load Member

    Mar 17, 2023
    Yeah, they were putting together an interest list a month ago. I’ve heard (pure speculation) that the goal is more combo drivers. Maybe they figure that’s incentive to keep guys around because I know IRC has been having trouble retaining dock guys. I’m not sure about the situation at RTO.

    Seems like the wild guys are, at least, getting steady runs. We only have two Linehaul drivers at my service center, and one’s out on medical right now, so I’m getting all the hours an OT I want.
  4. Rugerfan

    Rugerfan Road Train Member

    May 3, 2011
    I noticed ABF is hiring around Portland, Or again. I’d assume they are picking up some.
    Texas_hwy_287 Thanks this.
  5. jgarciajr40

    jgarciajr40 Medium Load Member

    Jun 18, 2016
    Why do Californians refer to southern California as socal like it’s a different entity? I don’t say I from NE Dakota, or North Florida

    is Southern California the good california? :p
  6. NvySwmr626

    NvySwmr626 Light Load Member

    Mar 17, 2023
    Ironically, it’s San Fransisco and Los Angeles that hate each other, while both pretty much muck-up the rest of their regions.

    But yeah, EVERYTHING here is divided north and south. If you have kids in any youth or high school sport, you know this well.

    …and you can’t really say that about the Dakotas because you’re speaking of a divide between 6 or 7 people!
    plynnjr92, Danny707 and Lumper Humper Thank this.
  7. plynnjr92

    plynnjr92 Light Load Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    Inland Empire, CA
    California is divided into 4 sections really.

    SoCal (LA to San Diego), NorCal (Sacramento into San Francisco down to Monterey), the Central Valley (Stockton to Bakersfield) and basically everything north of San Francisco is the "State of Jefferson" (Rural separatists who don't "identify" with California). Everybody hates everybody, but NorCal and SoCal occasionally join hands to hate on the other two.

    The regional pride goes deep, especially when a pair of North/South sports teams play a match. Dodgers vs Giants, 49ers vs Rams, Lakers vs Golden State Warriors. There's so much animosity, Best Buy on Black Friday is a safer place to be.
  8. Cerberus XVI

    Cerberus XVI Heavy Load Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    Wife and I are currently in the hiring process with XPO for teams and we can confirm that for now they do not allow pets. But with this program being new they said that could change at anytime. I know once my wife and I get hired on and settled in we will def be pushing and advocating for them to get a pet program together.
  9. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Is there such a thing as a “good” California? o_O
  10. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    Absolutely there is. We just don't talk about it much. We don't want people moving here and we really encourage people to move out.
  11. Texas_hwy_287

    Texas_hwy_287 Road Train Member

    Sep 25, 2016
    @REO6205 please don't encourage them :(.
    JoeyJunk, Lumper Humper and REO6205 Thank this.
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