
Discussion in 'Boyd' started by kebo072, Mar 28, 2009.

  1. kebo072

    kebo072 Light Load Member

    May 6, 2007
    bristol va
    hey, are you still with boyd? they invited me to orientation, and I was wondering how it was going.

    maybe ask you a few questions.
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  3. hytekrednek

    hytekrednek Light Load Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    Rock Hill, S.C.
    sorry for not responding. Been a while since ive been on. My laptop crashed and just havent gotten around to get it fixed. Yes, Boyd is good. Would still recommend them to anyone. Go for it.
  4. kebo072

    kebo072 Light Load Member

    May 6, 2007
    bristol va
    Thanks for the come back. The recruiter said you guys are staying out 2 weeks until freight picks up. any truth to this? and has freight picked up any?
    I am about to die here at Roehl.
  5. greenhorn27

    greenhorn27 Bobtail Member

    Dec 14, 2007
    knoxville, tn
    Hey guys. It's been a while since I've been on here. I just got accepted to Boyd, set for orientation June 29th. It's been a pain in the keester lately. Nobody would hire me cause my experience and local work I've been doing the last 7 months. I worked for Maverick last year for 6 months and anythime I was down in Talladega, Precision something or other, I met a few different Boyd drivers and they were very helpful and nice to me. They showed me a few things to help me out. Anyway, I guess I'm just wondering how freight is right now and also whats orientation really like? It's been 7 months since I've pulled a trailer. Are they harsh on the road test or do they stay with you til you get it right?
  6. justanothercrzytrkdrvr

    justanothercrzytrkdrvr Light Load Member

    Dec 14, 2008
    Fort Worth Tx
    I went thru orientation in Ohio & our road test was a breeze. We just rode thru the industrial park and made a couple of right and left hand turns. It was one of the older Internationals (not a new truck), 10 speed trans, and it handled pretty good. The trailers are 48' but we actually hooked to a loaded trailer and pulled it around for the test. I'm not sure were or what they do in Birmingham but you shouldn't have any problem. We had two brand new guys, fresh our of truck driving school and they apparently didn't have any problems.

    They will want you to use progressive shifting which they will or should explain prior to you guys going out. They are real big on fuel economy here. If you are having trouble with it they had some guys back last summer that was helping people out with it. Plus we have the have simulator now so I wouldn't worry about it. Just watch your turns, use your signals, buckle up and do your thing.
  7. greenhorn27

    greenhorn27 Bobtail Member

    Dec 14, 2007
    knoxville, tn
    Hey crzytrkdrvr, I didn't make it to orientation when I thought I would, current work issues, but I hope to make it out there in the next few weeks. I was wondering about the pay. I'm hesitant to ask the recruiter cause they are recruiters. With my experience she told me I would start out at .35 cpm. On their website the pay table says .35 cpm and .39 cpm(tarp&MPG) if I remember right. How does that work? Do they pay tarp pay seperate or do they pay .39 cpm only on loads that need tarped? Just been out of it for a while and curious. Also, how's freight lately? Thanks and keep safe out there.
  8. justanothercrzytrkdrvr

    justanothercrzytrkdrvr Light Load Member

    Dec 14, 2008
    Fort Worth Tx
    I hope things work out for you. I know it can be tough leaving one job and going to another.

    The pay is by the mile & is based on your experience. The more experience they can verify the more money you can start out making.

    Everything is paid seperately. You are paid say $0.35 per mile, $20.00 per tarp, and then your bonus if you make it. What the table is showing is that with all things combined it's like making $0.39 per mile. They are very strict on the fuel mileage. It was a little hard for me at first because I had to correct all my years of bad habits but they will work with you.

    They seem to want everything tarped but once you get out there on your own you will figure things out. It's not always about tarping a load to keep it dry, sometimes they just don't want other companies or people to see what we are hauling.

    As for freight, it's very slow right now. A lot of us sitting in truck stops longer than usual waiting on freight. The company says they are working on it and will send you a message about the freight & how things are looking each day. It helps if your willing to stay out more than a week at a time. When I started staying out longer I got those nice loads down to and out of Laredo, Tx which is great miles.

    Well, again I hope things work out for you. I hope I was able to answer your questions. Good luck!
  9. greenhorn27

    greenhorn27 Bobtail Member

    Dec 14, 2007
    knoxville, tn
    Hey crzy, thanks for the reply. It does help me understand how it works. It never bothered me to stay out longer than a week at a time, I'm glad they will give you the option to if you want to stay out. I figure even if I get around 1800 miles a week or so I should still be able to pay the bills. Thanks again for the info, have a good 4th.
  10. Raezzor

    Raezzor Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

    Aug 1, 2009
    Columbus, OH
    Just applied with them myself. Really hoping to break into the flatbed side of things, and eventually get to oversive-type hauling, like with Keen out of Carlisle near where I live. Hoping things are workin out for yall with Boyd, so I have a glimmer of hope at least. :)
  11. dino6960

    dino6960 YOUDAMAN

    Jun 25, 2009
    crzy good luck getting out of larado,,here its a real pain with haveing to dead head
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