Sometimes being a thinking man has its disadvantages. So, here’s my question- those big tour buses have restrooms in them so why don’t they make sleepers a little bit bigger and add a restroom in there? It’d be a huge advantage for everyone involved. It wouldn’t be a big deal to do the same thing that campers have to do emptying out the tanks for it either or take on 25 or so gallons of water for it. Just seems it would make a truckers job a lot easier than squeezing cheeks to the next exit hoping and praying that they could make it to the truck stop restroom before the train wreck occurs. Thoughts, comments and suggestions??
I’m a thinking man…
Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Cherokee65, Jan 9, 2025.
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nextgentrucker, D.Tibbitt, hope not dumb twucker and 1 other person Thank this.
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broke down plumber and Cherokee65 Thank this.
Well, more truck to accommodate that also means a higher tare weight which means less payload.
tscottme, nextgentrucker, Grumppy and 5 others Thank this. -
Five gallon bucket with a lid. Better than shatting your pants.
nextgentrucker, tarmadilo, cuzzin it and 5 others Thank this. -
broke down plumber, austinmike and hope not dumb twucker Thank this.
nextgentrucker, austinmike, FullMetalJacket and 1 other person Thank this.
nextgentrucker, broke down plumber, austinmike and 2 others Thank this.
My uncle who was a trucker back in the 80's said he used to use a small composter, which he said was way better than a 5 gallon buck with a poop ring taped to it. Said his fit under the rack and he only used it in real poop emergencies:
I was thinking that one looks like a good idea?broke down plumber, austinmike and Cherokee65 Thank this. -
nextgentrucker and OkieDokie405 Thank this.
When you gotta go, you gotta go, I’ve pulled over on a wide spot area, spread those cheeks between the tandems and let it rip. It’s called “Emergency Dump”…..
Oxbow, austinmike, bryan21384 and 6 others Thank this.
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